Chapter 72: "Out of Time."

Start from the beginning

He scanned the areas he had made memories with. Everything happened in this park.

He brushed his fingers over the fountains edge. Slowly making his way around the edges. And stopping at the white roses.

He bitterly stared down at them.

"Loki-" a voice called out.

Loki looked up in search of the person who called his name.

There she was. She was magnificent. The lights lit up her e/c eyes beautifully. She slowly walked over and stood in front of him.

"I remember..." she whispered. She placed a hand to his cheek.

"My love, it's me." She whispers. Her thumb traced his jaw line. His lip quivered and he tensed his muscles.

"I love you." She said, searching his face. It had been too long. Time had run it's course. Loki's brows furrowed sadly.

He slowly pulled her to his chest. Embracing her like no other time he had before. As he closed his eyes, tears slipped from the brims of his eyes.

"I love you y/n." He said one last time.

As he pulled away he began to walk away once more.

"Loki?" She called out. His heart ached.

"Loki, where are you going?" She asked. As he walked farther and farther away he held his face in his hands, while he cried.

"Loki please..." she pleaded. He turned, his eyes stung with the cold breeze.

"Why are you leaving me?" She asked him, her pleads made his heart tug.

"I will always love you Darling," she walked closer while Loki said his last goodbye.

"But I'm done hurting you." He finished.

"Hurting me?" She asked confused at his words.

"You could never hurt me, my love..." she whispered. Carefully holding his face in her hands.

"We...are out of time, Darling..." He whispered softly. She could see everything he'd been through. The grief, the pain, the sadness. Everything. As if she could see his memories.

She paused and smiled sadly, she laughed and then sniffled.

She knew.

"In all of the nine realms..." she mumbled. She sighed and looked up to meet his icy blue-green eyes.

"We'll meet again." She reassuringly whispered. Tears gathered in his eyes.

"It's okay..." she whispered. Loki's fingertips were holding a green mist as he sobbed.

"I want you to stay..." Loki cried. She nodded and smiled weakly.

"I do too, but-" she ran her hands through his hair and tilted her head slightly. He melted into her touch, slowly allowing his head to lay in the palm of her hand.

"This isn't goodbye..." She whispered. She shook her head and Loki looked up to meet her gaze, one last time.

"Tomorrow night, eight o'clock." She stopped and Loki furrowed his brows and his lip began to quiver.

"Shh, it's okay-" she whispered. She wiped his tears from his cheeks and nodded her head for reassurance, the tears fell once more to the apples of his cheeks.

"It's okay." She wiped his tears away again and smiled.

"Eight o'clock, I'll be here..." she finally finished. Loki nodded.

"Don't you dare be late." She whispered with a laugh. He chuckled and then became saddened once more.

"I love you, Loki Laufeyson."

As she spoke her last goodbye, his magic clouded her mind. Wiping every memory of him. All of the feelings, emotions and sadness she felt, were no longer hers.

He stepped away while she regained control of her thoughts. By the time she had done so, Loki was long gone. She stood and sniffled.

She confusingly wiped her eyes from the tears she had cried. Unsure of why she was crying at all.

She soon headed back home, wishing she could remember the familiar man.

Then again, maybe he was just a stranger.

Just as y/n stated, the next day, she would come back to the fountain and blooms that comforted her.

And there at eight o'clock she stood, mesmerized by the fountains cold water, and the bloom of the white roses in the midst of winter.

But this time she wasn't greeted by the tall, raven haired man.

Nor would she, ever again.


A/N: I know I know, but oh my god, this was so sad! I really hope you guys enjoyed this story, I've never put more heart and soul into a book than I have with "Out of Time."

Thank you all for sticking around, this has been an amazing journey.

One more chapter everyone 🥲

So much love <3

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