- ONE -

15 0 0

Turning 15 was definitely not something I was anticipating for. I've always worked alone, ever since the beginning, though sometimes with Trey.

In about 15 minutes, I'll be turning 15. In about 15 minutes, I'll have my life stuck to some sucker. wowzah. How exciting. Not.

There's a 48% chance that it's gonna be a sucker. I'll be counting on the remaining 52% . I'd planned so many things for my future. I know, I sound pretty sadistic right now, but I've got dreams too, and I'd really love to live up to them.

I hear a rustle in the bushes. I get up, aware of all the dangers in the woods. I take out my pocket knife, cause that's the only thing I have right now to defend myself. Well, it's better than nothing, okay? There's a possibility of it being a dangerous wild animal who hasn't eaten for months. There's also a chance of it being just a rabbit or a deer. Or a street fighter I once annoyed. I stalk towards the bush from a safe distance. I ready myself to attack whatever it is that's coming this way. I take quick, but steady steps ahead. It's almost near.

'Yeah, I'd appreciate it if you could put back your "dangerous" looking weapon back where it came from.'

Of course, It's the idiot. Should've known.

'You should've given our usual signal you know. I almost killed you" I snap at him, annoyed.

'Well, I wanted to surprise you. Sorry for being a great friend I guess' He says, kind of disappointed. That makes me guilty. I realise I was a bit too harsh on him.

'I'm sorry I snapped at ya. You scared me Trey, that's all, but please do give the signal next time, yeah?'

'Sure. No problemo. Got it memorized in my beautiful brain,' he says, tapping at his empty head.

'So, what brings you here?' I ask him.

'Oh, you know, was just passing by, so thought why not bless my only best friend with my graceful presence,' he says, in a mocking tone.

'Haha, you thought. But seriously, what brings you here? ' I ask him, even though I knew why he was here.

'What did you expect? To ignore and forget it's your birthday? I mean, you're turning 15! Which isn't nearly as cheerful as it was 86 years ago but we don't have a reason to not celebrate. So, I brought you the best treat in the society. CHEESE. . . Ye, I know you don't like cheese, but that's the only thing i could get my hands on. So deal with it.' He says, guilty again.

'Its fine Treyton. Really. You don't have to get so agitated about it.' I give him a warm smile.

Having my only best friend by my side was enough for me today. Treyton and I first met in the woods, when we were 10.

- 5 years ago -

I was earching for my pet hedgehog (who only lasted a month as I got a new pet every few months. Not my problem most of them ran away) who had thought it would be fun to wander around. I was just passing by a huge log when I heard muffled crying. It caught my attention cause no one comes near this part of the woods quiet often, so my curious little self obviously had to check it out.

I cautiously circle around the log, aware of my surroundings, only to find a grubby faced, tear streaked boy with mud smeared all over his face. I knew him from my class. Just couldn't remember his name, that's all. He used to get bullied a lot because, that's what the Level A kids loved to do to us Level C kids.

We both stare at eachother like the idiots we were because we dint know what else to do.

'Hey,' I finally say, breaking the awkward silence.

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