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Are you doing alright? You're taking a while," Ranboo said, leaning in the doorway of Tubbo's room. Tubbo paused his search through dresser drawers.

"Yeah, I'm just looking for my jumper," Tubbo replied, holding his arms close to his stomach.

"Which one?"

"The red one,"

"Alright, I'll help you look for it," Ranboo said, beginning his search with Tubbo for his hoodie. Ranboo found it hidden deep in the back of Tubbo's closet, and he brought it over to Tubbo. "Here," he said, holding it out to him. Tubbo paused for a moment, arms still crossed over himself. He didn't have bandages on. Ranboo would see. Ranboo would see his scars.

"Thanks," Tubbo uttered. He reached out to take it; his face was flat but his brain was panicking. Ranboo could see them. His arms. Tubbo threw on his jumper and quickly pushed his sleeves down to cover up his forearms. He could feel his face burning up in shame.

"You don't have to be embarrassed, Tubbo. About your scars," Ranboo said after a second. Tubbo shrugged. He didn't know what to say, if anything at all. "...Sounds like your parents are back from the store," he continued, commenting on the sound of the front door opening and voices and chatting entering the house. "Are you hungry?"

"I don't know," Tubbo replied with a shrug. "I think so, I guess."

"Then let's get some food, yeah?" Ranboo put a hand on Tubbo's back. He led the shorter boy out to the kitchen, where his family were unpacking plastic bags full of food.

"Tubbo! I got your favorite!" Lani exclaimed, holding up a blue paper box of crackers. Tubbo felt a smile spread across his face. Lani remembered his favorite brand of crackers. Tubbo knew it was so insignificant but it still made his heart feel happy.

"Thank you so much, Lani," He said, smiling as he took the box from her.

"No problem," Lani replied. "Mom and dad also got some other stuff too. Dad's gonna make spaghetti and garlic bread for dinner."

"That's good, I'm hungry I think," Tubbo replied to his sister, who looked at him warmly.

"We also bought vegetables for salad," his mother added. That's how Tubbo and the others ended up at the dining room table with knives and cutting boards, cutting a bunch of vegetables to make a giant salad big enough to feed all eight of them. Tubbo looked at the knife. The skin under his hoodie sleeve itched and burned, and a shiver ran up his spine.

"You ok Tubs?" Wilbur asked, watching how Tubbo's expression went blank. Wilbur couldn't forget it either, the blood. There was so much of it. Niki, Jack, and Lani remembered seeing it on the floor, where it was dried and smeared. Ranboo saw the red line travel up the length of Tubbo's forearms. They almost reached the elbow, crossing over pale pink and white lines that were strewn across the width of his wrists and forearms.


"What?" He snapped out of his trance at the feeling of a thin hand on this shoulder, looking up to see it was Jack's.

"Are you ok there mate?" Jack asked. his eyebrows were scrunched up with worry.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm fine," Tubbo said, blinking a few times. He could see that everyone was looking at him, including his mom and dad, with the same concerned looks. The spotlight of attention on him made Tubbo's skin feel hot and sticky and his throat dry.

"Tubbo, why don't you help your father with the sauce instead, ok?" His mother said. Tubbo agreed silently without a fight, and pushed himself up from his seat at the dinner table. He left the knife on the cutting board. The others continued to cut their vegetables, sitting through the newfound tension in the room. Tubbo felt beyond embarrassed as well as guilty. He ruined everything, just like always. This was his fault.

At least things got a bit better when they started eating, and Tubbo could feel himself smile again. Jokes and stories were being told, including some that Tubbo wished his family wouldn't share. It lifted the fog in the air, though, and everyone was able to laugh and enjoy the food and the company.

"Tubs, do you wanna play Smash Ultimate cart with me after dinner?" Tommy asked, wiping tomato sauce off of his chin.

"Yeah, I'd love to kick your butt," Tubbo replied, taking a bite of his garlic bread.

"No, no, no, no you don't. I'll win, Beeboy. I'll kick your ars- butt," Tommy steamed with fake anger.

Their game of Smash Ultimate was a close one, the two both jamming their buttons as quickly as they tried to kill each other. In the end, though, Tubbo finished off Tommy's Marth with his Kirby, delivering one last fatal blow.

"You guys suck, let me show you how it's really done," Jack said cockily, taking the remote that Tommy handed out to him. "I'm a master at this game."

"No, I think I'll show them how it's done," Niki hummed. Tubbo handed Niki his remote. This was going to be good. Niki chose Pikachu and Jack chose Mario, and the two entered the battle.

Jack was deeply embarrassed when he got his ass absolutely handed to him by Niki, who got a loud round of applause after destroying Jack faster than he could say pineapple.

"Look who's trash now!" Niki said happily and nudged Jack, who groaned.

"Remind me to never play Smash with you ever again," he groaned, handing off his controller to the next person. The group of them continued to take turns playing until past eight and when Tubbo was starting to get really tired, wrapping himself up in the blanket thrown over the couch.

"Tubbo, you wanna just lay in bed and watch South Park for a bit on my laptop?" Ranboo asked, to which Tubbo nodded rapidly to. He got up to follow the taller man back to his bedroom, but was interrupted for a second by Tommy.

"Hey, can I join?" Tommy asked, hoping up from his seat. Ranboo glanced down at Tubbo, who nodded, and back up at Tommy.

"Sure big man, c'mon," Ranboo said, waving him over.

"By losers! See you never!" Tommy snickered to Jack, Wilbur, Niki, and Lani as he followed the two other boys down the hallway and to the bedroom, holding up a middle finger until he was out of sight. Good Tubbo had a big bed.

Life Itself [Tubbo-Centric]Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя