"Like what?"

"I don't know... I guess I'm just worried. What happens when everyone leaves? Will he just... Will it happen again?"

"Honestly? I don't know, Toms. I don't know what's going on in his head. All we can do is be there for him, yeah?" Wilbur said, putting a hand on Tommy's shoulder. "He won't get better right away, it'll take time, but hopefully he will feel happier."

"I hope so," Tommy said, and they continued walking back to their hotel room in silence, both lost in thought.

Wilbur: is everything going alright for you? Is Lani ok?

Niki: yeah, we're all doing ok here :3

Niki: Lani kinda broke down when she saw blood on the floor

Niki: me George and Jack cleaned it all up tho

Niki: Lani and I made cookies for when Tubbo can come back

Niki: and we watched a movie :))

Niki: she's asleep right now

Wilbur: That's good

Wilbur: Thanks for that Niki

Wilbur: for being there for Lani

Wilbur: She needed that

Niki: Yeah

Niki: it's been hard on everyone but I think it's been hardest on her :((

Wilbur: yeah, I agree

Wilbur: oh btw

Wilbur: look at this

Wilbur: (photo of Ranboo and Tubbo)

Niki: awwwww :33

Niki: they're like brothers <3

Wilbur: yeah

Wilbur: I'm gonna go to bed now

Wilbur: have a good sleep Niki

Niki: thanks Wilbur :))

Niki: U too :)


Tubbo woke up to beams of morning sunlight in his eyes, face still pressed in Ranboo's chest, his head tucked under the taller boy's chin. He'll be getting released today. He'll be released and then what? He shifted a bit under Ranboo's arms to see his forearms clearly, and the white bandaging that covered them. He felt kind of sick thinking about what lay underneath.

"Tubbo, are you awake?" He heard a soft voice, clearly his mother.

"Yeah," he whispered back, his voice a little gravelly from just waking up. 

"Good morning, sweetheart, how do you feel?" His mother asked, her voice a soft whisper so she didn't wake up Ranboo. He didn't know what to say: To tell her the truth about his anxiety, or to just say that he was fine. Tubbo let out a sigh.

"Scared," He said quietly. "About going home. I don't know what'll happen next." Tubbo found himself feeling too aware of his surroundings, like the material of the blanket against his skin and the weight of Ranboo's arm across his body and the white beams of light making it hard to see without squinting.

"I know, honey. But we'll keep you safe, and we'll help you get back up on your feet," His mother comforted. Tubbo didn't know how to feel. He didn't know what he was feeling; all he knew was that he felt a raw anxiety sinking in his stomach. "Lani and your friends will be here soon. They're bringing you some clothes to change into."

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