"You'll tell us whenever something's wrong, right? If you ever feel...that way ever again?" Lani asked, her eyes like a begging puppy. Tubbo hesitated before nodding. How could he say No to a question like that? To hurt his sister? But on thé other hand how could he say yes? To lie straight to their faces?

"I promise," Tubbo said, faking her a small smile.

"Pinky?" Lani asked, holding out her small finger. Tubbo wrapped his pinky around his sisters.

"Pinky promise."


"Guess who's here!" Philza announced as he walked into the room, making everyone in the room direct their eyes to him. A head poked into the hospital room behind him, and Tommy jumped up from his chair, almost tipping it over.

"Gogy!" Tommy exclaimed, running over to give him a hug.

"Hey, I'm here too," Jack complained, entering the room. Tommy laughed and gave him a hug. The parents and Wilbur all got up too, greeting their new visitors, while Lani stayed sitting by Tubbo, holding his hand. Niki hugged Wilbur tightly before walking over to Tubbo and kneeled down.

"Hi Tubbo," she said so softly that no one else could hear, besides Lani, who sat silently next to
Tubbo, her hand in his. "How are you holding up? Are you feeling alright? Are you hungry? Thirsty?"

"No, I feel fine. Thank you though," Tubbo replied with a small smile, which Niki returned gladly.

"What about you Lani? How are you feeling?" Niki asked.

"What?" Lani asked, looking over at Niki.

"I asked how you were feeling, are you doing alright?" Niki repeated. Lani shrugged and held her brother's hand tighter, eyes moving away from Niki and down at Tubbo's bandaged arms.

"I- I think so," Lani replied, shrugging once again.

"Tubbo! I'm so glad you're ok, man," Jack said. "You really freaked us all out for a second."

"I'm sorry-"

"Tubbo, don't say you're sorry! It's not your fault," Niki interrupted. Tubbo pursed his lips.

"I'm glad to see you too Tubbo," George said, walking over. He put a hand on Tubbo's head and ruffled his hair. "We're all here for you."

"Ok," Tubbo nodded. George glanced over at Philza and Wilbur with a slight look of concern in his eyes. He could see that Tubbo's parents were still full of anxiety, too, but they kept as calm as they could for their children.

"Hey Lani, would you like to play a game with me? I think I have some cards in my purse," Niki said, standing up from her chair. Lani looked up at Niki with her wide, emotional eyes. She looked at her brother for a second, who nodded, then returned her gaze to Niki. For the first time in a while, Lani genuinely smiled. She got up from her seat and trotted over to Niki, who pulled over two seats by a circle table in the corner.

"Do you wanna play Go Fish?"

"Yeah, will you teach me?"

"Sure Lani!" Niki replied "first, I'm gonna shuffle these cards..."


Ranboo: I've been stuck in this plane for hours

Ranboo: how's Tubbo?

George: He's doing alright

George: He just fell asleep

Ranboo: is Wilbur still picking me up from the airport?

Life Itself [Tubbo-Centric]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora