Chapter 1: Initiation

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I shook the memory away. I can't think of that now. It's the past. I have to look towards the future, I think. I was standing in front of Number One. Her real name was Sephiria Arks, but we called her Number One. That's what the Chronos Numbers did. We had Numbers that we called each other by. We didn't use our real names except on occasions. I was Number Fourteen. The Roman numeral of fourteen was tattooed on my left forearm (XIV) showing who I was to my fellow Numbers, but the thing was, we were on missions solo, so we barely got to see each other.

Actually, Sephiria was the only one that I really knew, and that was only because she had trained me. I had just been appointed as a Number, which meant that I was now allowed to go on missions. My weapon that had sealed my initiation was a bow and arrow. I was really into the archer thing. Sephiria also wanted me to keep a gun on me, so I'd been given one, but I didn't think I'd use it much.

"Number Fourteen," Sephiria said.

"Yes, Number One?" I answered.

"We have your first mission ready for you."

"And what is it?"

"You will need to take down a criminal named Allen Clark. Here's his description." She handed me a piece of paper. It had a picture of a thin man who looked about to be in his mid-twenties. "There will be Sweepers after him, too. You need to get to him first, and remember to stay out of sight."

"Yes, ma'am," I nodded, turned, and walked out of the building. I looked around me, and saw no one. I brought my eyes to the paper. It was a 'Wanted' poster of Clark; obviously meant for the Sweepers, as there was a Reward of $3,750. I read what he was wanted for. Mass murder and kidnapping. The picture showed a front view of the man. He had dark brown eyes and brown hair. He was thin and didn't look like a killer, just an average citizen. It said that that he was last seen in a small town a few miles away. But that meant absolutely nothing to me. He was last seen there, but most likely was not there now.

I folded the paper and put it in my back pocket. Then I looked around again. I was alone. I smiled to myself, thinking, 'This'll be too easy and fast. Good thing I didn't tell anybody my secret. I'll put it to use.'

"Heh, guess it's time to fly," I said to myself. I started running away from the building. At first, the speed I was traveling was normal, but then it increased as I went further. Trees rushed past in short blurs, the wind caused by my speed blew my hair back behind me. The feel of it made me grin and a small amount of happiness filled me. I loved using my ability to run fast, it always made me feel as if I was free and not bound by anything. This was actually the first time that I had used it for several years; I never got the time through all my training.

As I was enjoying myself, I suddenly realized that I had to slow down. My stomach had knotted and my grin had disappeared. I slowed to a walk and looked around. I was in the small town that the guy was last seen. Again, I sensed the criminal around.

'How can he be walking around when he's wanted?' I wondered as I jumped nimbly onto the roof of a cafe. I crouched down and watched for Clark. The night showed that little people had come out. Actually, there were only a few people out and about. 'Could it be because of him?'

Then I saw him. Brown hair, brown eyes, mid-twenties. He was walking right in front of the cafe, towards a black car.

'Too bad he isn't gonna be able to get in,' I thought as I arched an arrow on my bow, aimed, and shot the man in the back, straight through the heart. 'Bull's eye.'

He fell to the ground, no scream escaped his lips; he was killed instantly. There were screams from the few people there, but they had no idea where the arrow had come from. I quickly jumped down, focusing all my energy into using my ability, grabbed the arrow from the dead body, and ran back in the direction I had come.

Allen Clark was a low life criminal, so it was only natural for me to get him. I was a newbie. No one had believed that I had had the skill to kill, but they were so wrong. Killing was too easy, especially since I watched with my own two eyes the deaths of my parents.

Again, I shook away the memory. It was a stupid memory; it wasn't like I could go back into the past and change what happened. It wasn't my fault; they just made the wrong decisions.

Once I made it back to the building, I slowed to a stop and entered the building. Sephiria was waiting for me.

"Well, did you finish your mission?" She asked me.

"Does this answer your question?" I held by arrow up. I didn't have any time to clean it, so it still had Clark's blood on it.

"Excellent, Number Fourteen. You will receive your next mission soon enough. When we get one for you, we will contact you." With that, she turned and walked away.

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