waking her up after a bad dream

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Your heart was hammering against your chest as you closed your eyes and tried to catch your breath.

The nightmare you had was lingering in your mind, even though you were wide awake now. You tried to calm down and slow your racing heart by listening to the sound of Tate's soft breaths coming from beside you as she slept soundly.

But you couldn't seem to calm down, no matter how hard you tried.

It's after four in the morning and you don't want to wake Tate. You've been having nightmares a bit more lately and she keeps waking up to take care of you.

You don't want to have to wake her again, but the longer you lay there the more overwhelmed and upset you feel as the nightmare doesn't seem to stop playing in your mind.

As much as you don't want to wake her, you knew you need some comfort and only Tate can give that to you.

You sniffled and reached over. You felt the warm skin of her back against your fingertips and you rubbed them along her spine while saying her name, hoping she'd wake up.

"Tate? Tate, wake up, please," you pleaded and she slowly awoke from your voice and your touch. "Tate, are you awake?"

She heard the shakiness in your voice and then heard you sniffle. She knew you were crying, or at least close to crying, and she instinctively sat up to comfort you.

She turned the lamp on and blinked a few times to adjust to the light before focusing on you.


You stared at her with tired and teary eyes.

"Oh, my love. Did you have another nightmare?"

You nodded and blinked away your tears as she pulled you into her arms.

Your back was against her chest and you laid your head on her shoulder. You sniffled and tried to calm down by focusing on her comforting touch.

"Someone was chasing me." You mumbled and she shushed you softly as she kissed your head, the back of your neck, and your shoulders.

"I'm sorry I woke you again."

"Don't be." She said. "I'm here for you. I love you and I care about you. If you need me, you should always wake me, baby. No matter what."

You nodded and exhaled shakily as your heart started to slow down and beat like normal again.

"It was just a bad dream. I know you've had many of them lately, but it's alright. You're safe. I'm here with you. No one is going to hurt you."

"Thank you." You said.

"Do you want to go back to sleep tonight?"

"I'm sorry, Tate. I don't think I can."

She nodded understandingly and kissed your head.

"That's alright. It's five am, we'll cuddle and watch a movie, maybe watch the sunrise if we open the curtains."

You nodded and cracked a small smile as you laid down with her.

Your head was on her chest as she turned on a movie for you to watch.

Your legs were tangled, your hands intertwined, and your lips moved in sync with hers on occasion when she'd lean down and kiss you.

"Everything's okay. I know nightmares suck but they're not real. You're always safe because I'm always with you."

"I love you." You said and listened to her heartbeat as she held you close.

"I love you more, y/n. Everything will be just fine, I promise."

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