4. "Evening Routine" - Peter Parker (Request)

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Warnings: None

1105 words

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"Psst." A voice hissed, causing my head to snap up from my drawing. My eyes scanned the room around me, but there was no one there. Thinking it was a false alarm, I turned my attention back to my pencil. "Pssssst." The voice hissed again, this time more urgently. I looked around the room again, even turning to look out the window, but still nothing. "Up here," they whispered, and when I tilted my head up I almost had a heart attack.

"Peter Parker!" I scolded quietly. "Get off my ceiling."

Even through his mask, I could tell he was smirking. "I don't know, it's kind of comfortable. I was thinking I'll just stay up here forev-hey!" He was interrupted by the pillow that flew at his head.

"Stupid Peter Tingle, you always dodge it," I muttered.

"It's not called the Peter Tingle." He grumbled, dropping from the ceiling and plopping on my bed next to me. After a long pause, he said, "I'm bored."

"Then do your homework." I teased, glancing over at him and smiling.

"I already did it all." He sighed, looking over at me. Suddenly, his face broke into a grin.

"Oh no, I really don't like that face. What is that face?"

"So," he started, throwing an arm over my shoulders. "Do you have any plans for the rest of the day?"

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"I can't believe you talked me into this." I groaned, pulling my cardigan closer around me; the New York fall wind seemed adamant about stealing my favorite outer layer today.

The curly-haired boy next to me laughed, swinging our interwoven hands back and forth gently as we walked. "Oh, c'mon, it'll be fun!" He grabbed the handle of the door in front of us, pulling it open and holding it open for me.

His manners always warmed my heart, just one of the many things I loved about him. "Thank you, kind sir." I replied in a fake haughty tone. The smell of fresh-baked bread surrounded me in a lovely cloud of bliss as I walked into my favorite deli. Mr. Delmar had the best sandwiches ever, and made sure to always be stocked up on his regular's favorite candies. Peter walked over to the counter, making conversation as I wandered up and down the aisles. The familiar colors of a red-and-blue figure made me stop and smile. I snagged the toy and a few of our favorite snacks, then made my way up to the counter. Having done this a thousand times, I timed it so I set everything down at the same time as our two sandwiches were placed on the counter. "My turn to pay." I said, handing the money to Mr. Delmar.

"Balance is important in a relationship." The store owner said with a smile, his eyes bouncing between Peter and I. This was the place that we had met for the first time, and I'm almost certain Mr. Delmar could see even then that we would be together. He was pushing us together since that day.

"Thank you, Mr. Delmar!" Peter called, grabbing the bags for me and holding the door open as e waved goodbye.

"Adios, lovebirds!" He called after us, and we laughed. We followed our routine; we went behind the building, Peter handing me the bags as he pulled out a webslinger and wrapped his arm around me before pulling us into the sky. I'd still not quite gotten used to soaring through the sky, and squeaked when I felt my feet leave the ground, causing the superhuman to tighten his grip around my waist. It was over almost as quickly as it had begun, and I felt solid ground reach my sneakers once again.

"You okay?" He asked, his brown eyes gazing into mine with concern as he kept his arm around me.

"Yeah. Just don't think I'll ever get used to that." I smiled.

His face softened into a grin, shooting back playfully, "well, maybe we could go to a different rooftop right now, and-"

I laughed, interrupting him to protest. "No, I'm hungry, and I have a surprise for you!"

"Oh?" He laughed, kneeling as he pulled a blanket out of his backpack and spread it on top of the concrete roof.  He patted the spot next to him, and I sat down next to him, crossing my legs. I always loved being up high, but I was always wary of the edge. Peter had quick reflexes that would save him if he fell off-balance; I did not. "What's the surprise?"

"That's the point of a surprise, Petey-Webs. You're not supposed to know until I let you." I teased him, turning the bag of snack upside-down and letting the snacks all spill out. 

"Why can't that be now?"

"Patience." I playfully scolded. As we ate, we bantered back and forth, but it was mostly Peter trying to figure out his surprise. I loved spending time with him; he made me feel so . . . safe, and comfortable. It was the highest form of trust my heart was capable of. I don't think I'd ever grow tired of our evening picnics on the rooftops, swapping stories about our day and interests, just: 

Being happy.

We'd finished our food, having cleaned up everything expect for the blanket, and just sitting, looking out over New York. The sky was painted in a gorgeous painting of warm tones as the sun sunk lower into the sky, playing hide-and-seek with the moon has it hid behind skyscrapers. It was a pulchritudinous sight, and we sat in comfortable silence as we just took the sight in. 

"So. About that secret." His voice sounded, making me laugh.

"Alright, fine, Mr. Impatient. I'll give you your present now." My words made his face light up, and he gasped like a child, making me laugh again. I reached behind my into my bag, pulling the Spider-Man figurine out and holding it behind my back so he couldn't see it. "Close your eyes and hold out your hands."

He trusted me so completely he followed my instructions immediately, and I placed the toy in his hands as I pressed the spider insignia on its chest, and a song began to play.

"Spider-Man, Spider-Man,
Does whatever a spider can.
Spins a web, any size,
Catches thieves just like flies.
Look out!
Here comes the Spider-Man!"

His laugh rang out into the air as he quietly sang along when he recognised the tune. When the little robotic voice finished singing, he wrapped his arms around my torso, hugging me tight. He always gave the best hugs. "Thank you. For everything."

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Thank you for reading! I had a lot of fun writing this brief into a relaxing evening with Peter Parker. Thank you again to a very special friend of mine, Whysteria! I love you!

 Thank you again to a very special friend of mine, Whysteria! I love you!

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