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With fire starting among the life of many cultivation sects fire, everywhere dead bodies everywhere, the clouds were storming lightning its grey era.
A body was held by a man in dark blue his trying to keep him from slowly going to the after life. A young sect leader in gold was sustaining him tightly
" Uncle ! Please ! I am sorry ! " the boy in gold said with drops of tears falling from his soft skinned cheek. With one of the hands of the man in purple was caressing the young face.
Jiang Wanyin eyes widen once he saw a elder man in gold about to stab his young nephew from behind.
He quickly sustained his nephew close to hug on his chess with the sword hitting the lower stomach with blood coming out of the uncle
" UNCLE !!!"
A-Ling yelled crying on the elder shoulder.
The man in blue hug him right chess
" A- Ling.....y-you......w-went...... to
F-far......that I couldn't have the " the uncle said slowly running out of words to say. Then he turned the blue guy behind him
" A- H.....Huan ...... I "
The sect leader Jiang let go of his hand in Lan Xichen sleeve.
" Jiu Jiu !!!! "
Jin Ling screamed with tears coming of his eyes full emotion with his hands shaking from the cold.
" Wanyin !!!!"
Lan Xichen yelled holding him in his arms and Jin Ling helping him.
" A- Cheng !!!!" Wei Wuxian said running his there seeing his brother dead reminded him of the death of their Shijie all over again, yet he lost last little brother he did reared up since, he already use to losing the people around him.
' His parents, his uncle, his aunt, Wen Ning, Wen elders, Wen children, Wen Qing, Jin Zixuan, and his Shijie ........and now his little didi the once precious the one who survive the all in what the challenges the life has brought him.'' He slowly tapped the shoulder of junior sect leader.
Jin Ling looked up to see his senior to hug him with cry on his chest, while Wei Wuxian teared down slowly rubbing his hand on the bangs, and kissing the forehead of A-Ling.

Lan Xichen tears ran with the dead man on his arms. Full of anger and sadness.
' Wanyin...........My precious WanYin the one with purple that runs the rivers with shining......No matter I will find you........I will catch...............I will kill anyone who goes against you.......I taking revenge them for taking you my precious love.........I am...........sorry ........for not ........helping you sooner.........when you needed me

Author: Hi! everyone I hope you guys enjoy this prologue of this new story Xicheng, but their names are going to change due to the story
Jiang Cheng will change to Wang Yue From Chongzi
And Lan Xichen name will be changed to Yun Huan
From mirror twin cites.
Thanks y'all for reading and have a good night/ day!

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