13. That's Gonna Leave a Mark - Flash

338 15 27

Pre lightning - Barry is 18


"Why are we out here?" Barry asked.

"We are out here because you need to learn survival skills," Margot said.

"And because we can make s'mores." Bree said.

Barry gave her a tight smile.

"Come on Sherlock," Otto said, "It'll be fun!" Then he whispered, "We can play pranks on Margot."

"No," Barry said, "We won't."

"Aww why?"

"Because I don't have a death wish. That's why."

"We're here!" Singh shouted, throwing his pack down.

"How did Joe talk me into this?" Barry muttered.

"Honestly I don't know," Bree smiled, handing a water bottle to Barry, who drank gratefully.

"Let's set up." Singh instructed.

Fourty-five minutes later, camp was set up and Margot had started a fire.

Barry slapped his arm for the hundredth time. "I hate this."

"Oh don't be such a downer," Margot said.

Barry pouted harder. Everyone chuckled.

Bree rubbed his shoulder comfortingly, "Have a s'more. You'll feel better."

Much to Barry's dismay, he did in fact feel better after eating a s'more.

It grew dark and the fire dimmed. Soon enough, everyone was asleep.

Well, almost everyone.

Barry could not get his eyes to stay shut. He was exhausted, but his brain refused to shut up. It was annoying.

Finally, Barry let out a large huff and got to his feet. Quietly slipping out of the tent he shared with Otto and Singh, he went out and sat by what was left of their campfire. He watched, almost in a trance, as the light in the embers did an exquisite dance. It was enchanting and Barry felt his eyes start to droop.

He was so close to falling asleep right there when he heard a snap break the peace.

Instantly, he was awake.

Barry nibbled his lower lip, it was probably just a raccoon.

Another, louder snap sounded closed.

Maybe a bear? he thought.

Either way, he should definitely leave it alone and go back to his tent.

And he was totally going to also. Right up until he heard a muffled scream. Then, Barry being Barry, he couldn't leave it alone.

Granted there were four other trained personel less than ten feet away that Barry could've woken up, but he didn't want to waste time, so he just grabbed a flashlight and left.

Keeping the falshlight on its lowest setting, Barry quietly trudged through the trees. Barry followed a trail of trampled leaves, hoping it was the right direction. Six minutes of tracking smooshed leaves and muffled voices led Barry to a clearing.

Barry turned off his flashlight and set it down. Partly because he didn't want anything in his hands and partly because their was enough light from the campfire in the clearing that Barry didn't need it. Peering from behind a tree, Barry spotted two men and a girl. The girl was tied up and gagged while the men were arguing heatedly by the fire.

2021 WHUMPTOBER जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें