Ocean on land and search party begins

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The next day

Alberto was over Luca trying to wake him up

Alberto was over Luca trying to wake him up

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Alberto said, "Luca!... Luca!."

Luca woke up and they bumped each others heads.

Luca said, "Alberto! Are you okay!?"

Alberto said, "Good morning Luca!"

Giulia woke up and didn't see her parents and went to check outside

Giulia said, "Look at that the ocean is at our door."

Luca and Alberto went to check it out and dunked their heads in the water and turned into sea monsters.

Luca and Alberto went to check it out and dunked their heads in the water and turned into sea monsters

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They got up and looked around

Luca said, "How come your parent's not here?"

Giulia said, "The water is really high up they must be stuck, too bad we don't have my dad's boat here or anything to ride on."

Alberto saw her water Vespa toy and said, "There's a ride!"

Giulia said, "It's too small."

Luca said, "No it's not."

Luca and Alberto uses their powers to make it big and even the candle in it bigger.

Giulia was amazed and they carried it to the water and Alberto helped get the water engine started and Giulia got packed with stuff they need and got the matches to light the candle.

They rode their vespa over the ocean as they went on their journey

They saw so many sea creatures

Luca said, "Hey ancient fish! A bothriocephalus! And a Dipnorhynchus! And a Devonynchus!"

Giulia said, "Wow that's amazing, I never knew there was more life at sea than on land."

Alberto points and said, "There's someone over there."

Signora Marsigliese said, "Ahoy!"

She was with her husband and baby

Alberto said, "I'm gonna say that, Ahoy!"

They went over and said hello

Mr. Marsigliese said, "Nice ride you got there."

Giulia said, "Thanks."

Signora Marsigliese said, "Hey your Maria and Massimo's little girl, right?"

Luca said, "She's not a little girl, she's Giulia."

Giulia said, "This is Luca and Alberto."

Alberto said, "Yep and we use to be small sea monsters."

Signora Marsigliese said, "Is that right? I like your names their cute."

Giulia said, "Have any of you seen my parents?"

Mr. Marsigliese said, "How come they aren't with you?"

Giulia said, "They have to go check on the seniors at the the art gallery."

Mr. Marsigliese said, "All the way up there?"

Signora Marsigliese said, "My baby likes you."

They looked at the baby and when Luca and Alberto looked and smiled, the baby cooed.

Luca got the thermus and pour them some espresso in the cup

Signora Marsigliese said, "Thanks."

Luca said, Your welcome I hope the baby likes it."

Signora Marsigliese said, "Oh she can't have that she can only drink milk."

Luca got some sandwiches and said, "Here milk!"

Giulia said, "We would offer trenette al pesto but Luca and Alberto ate all the pasta."

Signora Marsigliese said, "Well... that's very nice of you to offer."

They saw two big rescue ships

The captain on the boat said on the megaphone,

"Ahoy! Are any of you in need of assistance at this time?"

Mr. Marsigliese said, "We're all good here! But thanks for checking in us, captain!"

The captain said, "We're taking everyone to the mountain hotel! For your safety we request you follow us!"

Mr. Marsigliese said, "Aye, aye! Will do!"

He gave Giulia the biggest candle he had for them to use and they went on their way

The baby started getting fussy because they left and started crying

Alberto looked back and he swam and turned into a sea monster and which shocked Mr. Marsigliese and Signora Marsigliese.

Alberto nuzzled the baby cheering her up and laugh, then he ran back to the vespa all dried up.

By the boat

Everyone asked where Giulia's parents were

Giulia said, "At the art gallery with the seniors and we're on our way to find her!"

Ercole was in there and shouted, "Good luck with that spewlia! And your horrible friends too!

Luca and Alberto made a quick wave getting him wet to make him cry again

They laughed and went on searching for Massimo and Maria.

Luca x Alberto: A Ponyo AUWhere stories live. Discover now