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Me and a other guard walked next to the doll while the doors opened revealing a bunch of confused players.

I spotted that girl I cant be sure but I think her name is Kang Sae-Byeok considering that I spent hours remembering every name and face on the list I should be able to remember.

"Attention, all players. After you enter the game hall please stand behind the white line drawn on the field and await further instructions"

Ok great the PA women again

I watched as the gates closed and the players started muttering amongst themselves.

"Here is the first game. You will be playing Red light, Green light"

The doll started turning around.

"You are allowed to move forward when "it"shouts out, "Green Light" stop when "it" shouts, "Red light." if your movement is detected afterward, you will be eliminated."

The players just started talking while the PA women repeated the rules.

"Those players who cross the finish line without being eliminated within the five minute playtime will pass the round. With that let the game begin."

The game had begun, the clock started ticking and the doll yelled "Green light".

"Red light" it yelled a couple minutes after and turned around, a boy with orangy blond hair tried to regain his balance but it was top late the doll already spotted him.

"Player 324. Eliminated."

A bang was heard throughout the room, I didn't even flinch considering I have been through this for 3 years although I do remember the first time I was here .

I was petrified.

I woke up in this strange room it had a bed, a small restroom, and a small table.

I tried opening the door but it was locked

What the fuck

Then the door opened revealing a person with a pink jumpsuit and a mask with a square on it.

"Y/N L/N" the strange person said to me.

"Uhh hi strange pink looking person may I ask what the fuck am I doing here and why is this bed so uncomfortable oh and is there food." I started rambling about how much I wanted food.

"Please put this on and wait when your ready wait outside the door" they said handing me a pink jumpsuit and a mask with a triangle on it.

I didn't get a chance to answer since they just slammed the door in my face.


After putting on the jumpsuit and the mask I walked outside my door and saw the square dude waiting outside.

"Follow me" they said.

I followed them down the hallway into this room with a bunch of beds and people everywhere.

They started explaining to everybody and me that we will be playing games for money?

Uhh ok

After they were finished explaining they walked up to me and said "Number 18 please follow me"

Number 18?? The fuck

"Hey I have a name" I said to the person who just kept walking

I followed the person into this big room with a doll then a women started talking but I wasn't paying attention I was too busy staring at that creepy ass doll

Then they told to me to stand next the doll I did as told and just waited soon the green doors opened revealing a bunch of confused looking people

Then the Robotic voice started explaining the rules of red light green light?

Once it was done the doll turned around and shouted

"Green light"

Everyone started moving and then it yelled.

"Red light"

Everyone stopped except for a couple of people who fell laughing.

Then there was a noise that sounded like a gunshot making me flinch. The people who were on the floor laughing were now on the floor bleeding.

I looked at the person on the other side of the doll. "Hey what the fuck just happened?" I yelled at them. They just stood there paying attention to this god awful game.

"Hey asshole answer me" I yelled they didn't reply. I only turned back around when I heard another gunshot. I started walking back until I felt a hand on my shoulders making me turn around and face a figure with a square on their mask

"Number 18 where are you going?" They asked me.

"Where am I going!? What even is this place!???" I yelled at him while trying to not seem scared beside all the gunshots and yells I heard behind me.

"You chose red now you are here" he told me. I had no idea what he was talking about not to mention this stupid mask was making it hard for me to breath.

But before I could answer he continued.

"Number 18 welcome to the squid games"

Flashback over

I remember punching him in the face that day.

Good memories

"Green light" the doll yelled again this time people started walking slowly then the dude who was shot fell over and coughed up blood. His friend looked back up with a horrified expression then he started running back to the gates.


Another bang rang through the room. But this time some people started running back to the gates while bangs kept being heard around the room.

I don't know why but I found myself looking for the girl from earlier hoping us she was ok.

She doesn't even know you exist

I reminded myself.

Thankfully I found her holding herself as still as possible. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding.

Once everyone who was running was dead and the people who were staying still were still staying still the doll turned back around and yelled "Green light"

Nobody moved

The only one who did was ll-nam who knew he wouldn't die.

When everybody did start moving I kept looking at the girl.

God Shes so pretty.


Hello dear readers thank you for all the love and support on this book and over 200 reads. I promise their will be longer chapters in the future.
Published: 10/16/2021
1024 words

Guard ✶ Kang Sae-ByeokOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora