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"Hey, hey, hey!, Open the door, you jerks! I have to pee really bad, right now! Don't you guys every take a leak?" I heard a women yell. I slowly opened my eyes and looked towards the door where the lady from earlier was pounding on the door asking to use the restroom- well more like demanding to use the restroom.

"Let me use the restroom! I gotta go now! Hey, just let me use the bathroom for one second. jeez, come on! Look, it's mostly men in here, okay? Want a puddle in here? Damn it! Damn you, scumbag! I hope your ashamed. Treat us like humans, damn it! Who do you think you are? Hey, triangle. I don't need you. Get me your superior. Just get me that some square head girl!" She continued yelling at him.

Then I saw the square mask person come into the window. "You may not leave this room past your given curfew." They told her.

"Damn it. You masked people think you control when I'm supposed to pee, huh?" She yelled at them. Then they closed the window and she freaked.

"Oh, what the... you freaking bastards!" She kicked the door. "You don't think I'll go pee right here and now? Shit!" She bent down and started taking off her pants. I put my sweater sleeve over my eyes and heard her yelling at them again.

"Here I go. You all ready to hear some rain?" Then the door opened and I quickly got down from my bed.

"I gotta go" I said to the guard.

"Oh, yeah? I beg to get the damn toilet, and you're gonna sit right on top of it like that? Hey. You're a pretty annoying girl, aren't you?" The lady scoffed as I looked at her and walked in front of her.

"What a rude little brat. Hey," I heard her complain.

When we got inside the bathroom the guard waited outside and as soon as the women went into a stall I heard her whimpering.

So I just went and opened her door she was smoking a cigarette.

She quickly put it away and said "Don't scare me like that. What?" I showed her my pocket knife and she gasped and started coughing. "Wanna smoke a little?" She asked me.

"You can stay put on the bowl and smoke some more." I said to her and put my foot on the toilet and started trying to open the vent with my knife.

"What are you doing?" She asked me as I got the nails out of the vent and opened it.

"Wait. Are you going to go in there?" She asked me slightly shaken up.

"I wanna see what's up there. Buy me some time. Then I'll tell you if I find anything." I told her while putting my hair up. "Deal. Step up here." She put the cigarette in her mouth and offered me her shoulder.

I climbed up and started crawling through the vents.



They have been in there for about 30 minutes and all I could hear was the women complaining about how to not go in there cuz she's taking a big shit?

So I called Y/N since she was the only one who could go in there.

"Hello?" She answered through the ear com. "They have been in the restroom for 30 minutes and I need you to come and check since well your a girl" I finished.

"Yeah, yeah I know I'll be there soon" she hung up and I waited. I also kept yelling at them to hurry up and that they need to come out now.

Y/N ran up to me grabbed my gun and told me to go check the camera for number 29s room.

I nodded and started walking away.


I opened the door and saw the water running. I opened the stall door where I heard the women yelling from and saw her on the toilet and 067 holding her nose whole also holding toilet paper. When she saw me her eyes widened a little.

Seriously do I have something on my mask?

"You bastard, what the hell?" The women yelled at me. I quickly closed the door and waited for them to hurry up.

The lady opened the door and started yelling at me again.

"You little bastard! You..." she paused and turned me by my shoulder.

"Oh it's you the women. Listen here you bitch, I said don't come in, didn't I? You harassed us in here, yeah? Hey, the second I'm out of here I'll sue your ass, okay? Is that clear? Bitch!" She pushed pass me.

Sae-byeok walked slowly next to me and said I'm my ear. "I know who you are. Betty" she said and walked away.

Wait what the fuck

My eyes widened and I ran after her. When I caught up to her I grabbed her wrist and said "what!?"

The other lady turned around and looked at us.

"Continue walking nothing to see here." I told her and didn't let go of sae-byeoks wrist. She scoffed and left.

I turned my attention back to Sae-Byeok and told her "what did you call me."

"Let go of my wrist then I'll talk to you" I let go of her wrist and she started talking

"I saw you putting the square mask on, in the car" she said to me.


I pulled her back in the restroom and took of my mask.

"Look don't tell anyone you know who I am or that we know each other I wasn't supposed to see you that day I was just supposed to leave the card and go so I would appreciate if you just forgot we ever met ok?" I told her.

"On one condition" she said to me.

I groaned and said "what"

"You tell me who you really are" She slowly said.

I stood shocked "what?"

"I want to know you really are no lies. Deal." She held her hand out to me.

I was still shocked but slowly put my hand into hers. "Deal"

Then when she was about to walk away I kept my hold on her hand making her turn back around and said.

"My name isn't Betty, it's Y/N"

Idk how to feel about this chapter.
Published: 11/1/2021
1074 words

Guard ✶ Kang Sae-ByeokHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin