The one with the piano

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Poyraz had been at the hotel for the night for some repairs that needed to be done. Gorkem was getting on his nerves the whole day with his decorating ideas and on the top of that he had brought that stupid piano.

He would never admit it out loud but he does like the whole vibe of it in the space. And then there's the story Gorkem told them that has been stuck to his mind. That kiss in the dark part is being repeated like a mantra no matter how hard he tries to stop it.

"Nope this won't work." He declares to the walls, drops the screwdriver on the floor and walks towards the only place that can calm him down: the sea.

In the meantime Haziran was feeling restless in her own bed. She told herself that she would sleep early tonight so that she will be able to wake up before her annoying partner the next day.

And yet here she was tossing and turning without the hope of sleep.

"Well..." she says and she opens her closet "I may as well do the things I need now." Ten minutes later she's at the hotel organizing some papers and at the same time trying to figure out which colors match better with blue colored walls.

The lights were deemed when Poyraz returned from his walk and a soft music was playing from the jukebox. He looks around but he doesn't see anyone and he's too old and too logistic to believe in ghosts.

"Hello?" He asks and Haziran's head pops up behind the reception desk.

"Hello back and what are you doing here?" She says and closes the sites where she was looking for things she was planning to buy for the hotel without his knowledge of course.

"I had some things to deal with. It's not like we are done with the place." He answers and his eyes are telling her that he is waiting for her answer.

"I couldn't sleep so I thought to come and remove some things from my to-do list." Haziran stands up and starts packing her bag "I'm almost done so I'll get out of your hair soon." She continues.

"Do whatever you want." He says and she rolls her eyes.

Poyraz was there to fix and electricity issue. He kneels in front of the socket that he suspects that it's the problem but the moment he touches it a total blackout happens.

"Poyraz!" Haziran screams.

"I'm fine, just stay where you are." He says but she has already the torch of her phone open and she's coming to him.

"You stubborn woman." He whispers before she has the chance to hear it.

"So what did you do?" she asks and sits on the floor next to him.

"Just keep the torch in the right place and stop talking." He tells her and adjusts her hand so the light will be shed in the spot he wants.

Twenty minutes later he is finally done. And the electricity has been fully restored.

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