Chapter 06 - Smells like something new

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Smells like something new.

Dearest reader,

The Danbury ball kept all its promises!

The incomparable of the season Miss Primrose was not seen much on the dance floor. Though it is to be noted that she shared a dance with the Viscount Bridgerton, the only one the gentlemen graced on this evening. She was also seen with his younger brother, Mister Benedict Bridgerton. The gentleman and the miss were seen smiling brightly on the dance floor. Might the second Bridgerton son get married before his older brother? I guess only time will tell.

One thing is sure, the Bridgerton house shall be buzzing with suitors in the morning.

Ariana's reading was cut short by Humbolt appearing at the door of the drawing room.

"Callers for Miss Bridgerton and Miss Primrose, ma'am."

Lady Bridgerton rose from her seat on the sofa at the words while Eloise sighed dramatically.

Several gentlemen entered the room, all bearing gifts and flowers.

Ariana did her best to talk to all of them. Eloise had gotten rid of her last suitors after a long while but callers for Ariana seemed to keep coming. The three eldest Bridgerton brothers had joined the ladies but they stayed at the other side of the room, talking between themselves and occasionally throwing murderous glares if one suitor made a movement too close to their sister.

Ariana accompanied the last suitor to the door of the drawing before closing it and leaning onto it with a deep sigh.

The Bridgerton's watched her with amused smiles as she let out a very unladylike yawn.

"Well, I am glad this is over. At least for today." She said while walking towards the table where all the bouquets were seated. A similar table was installed at the other side of the room for Eloise, both tables nearly overflowed with flowers.

"I could not agree more. This must have been the most horrendous hours of my life." Agreed Eloise while seating on the couch with a book. Throwing a glare at Benedict when he tried to distract her. "You interrupt my reading once more and this book will become a lethal weapon, Brother." She smiled at him sweetly and he retracted, his hands held in surrender.

Ariana scanned the bouquets on the table. They were all beautiful but a flash of purple caught her eyes. She took a bouquet from the middle of the others. It was a bouquet of lilacs, perfect beautiful lilacs. She admired the bouquet for a while smelling their sweet scent, before looking at the card, not remembering having seen a suitor entered with them. However, there was no name on the card, only a small sketch of two clashing swords. She thought for a while before looking at Anthony. He was seated on a chair reading the newspaper and was already looking at her when she met his eyes. He let his sight drop back to the paper before meeting hers again, a small smile playing at his lips. Ariana hid her own smile in the flowers, her cheeks a bright pink as she suddenly felt light and giddy.

The exchange was cut by Elizabeth who entered the room with an empty basket.

"I should like to know which flowers you would like to keep Miss, I am afraid we won't be able to take them all to Hastings house."

"I shall only keep this one Elizabeth." Said Ariana mentioning to the lilacs in her hands.

"Are you certain Miss?"

"I am, however choose one for you, it would be a shame for them to go to waste."

After clearing the table and choosing a bouquet for herself with the help of Ariana, Elizabeth left the room.

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