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Are news always bad ?

"Of course I will hurt you. Of course you will hurt me. Of course we will hurt. But this, this is the condition of existence. Living spring is taking the risk of winter. Being present is taking the risk of the absence."

Antoine de Saint-Exupéry.

Grosvenor square, London, 1814

The Bridgerton house was, as always, buzzing with activities at the approach of the new social season.

Nonetheless, the family always gathered for a diner on the evening. Today, even the Duchess of Hastings was gracing her presence. The Duke was to arrive in two days time but Daphne had chose to come early to spend time with her family. That night, the entire family was present at the table, from the youngest to the oldest. The diner was punctuated by the usual bickering and banter between the siblings.

At some point, Lady Bridgerton gathered the attention of her children, she had news to share.

"I have received a letter this morning." She said. Her tone was grave and was enough to stop any chatting around the table. "From Rosebery."

The Earl of Rosebery and his wife were longtime friends of the family. The Primrose had always kept a close relation with the Bridgerton's. The elder Lady took a deep breath before continuing. "The Earl Primrose and his wife were victims of an accident on their way back to England, they did not survived."

Everyone kept silent at the news, processing the fact. The elder Lady seemed on the verge of tears and anyone could understand why. The Earl of Rosebery and his wife had took on traveling a few years back with their only child. It had been of dream of theirs to travel the world and they had left as soon as their daughter was old enough, however the two wives had kept contact through letters all these years. 

"Their daughter, Ariana, was not in the carriage. She is alive." Continued Lady Bridgerton.

"When Ariana was born, the Earl Primrose and your father had made an arrangement that if something was to happen to them, we would take care of her. I would like to honour our engagement." She finishes, watching her eldest son at the other side of the table. She knew that she could not make the decision alone and was hoping that he would agree. He was quick to do so.

"Of course, mother. I was not aware of this arrangement but if it is true then we shall honour it."

The lady let out a breath of relief, saying that she would sent the letter first thing in the morning.

"Primrose? Was she the little girl that would follow us outside when we were children?" Asked Colin.

"Yes." Answered Lady Bridgerton, smiling fondly. "We would spend our summer at Aubrey Hall with the Primrose until they left England. Hyacinth, Francesca and Gregory are too young to remember but I am sure the rest of you does. Ariana is the same age as Daphne."

"Of course!" Said Benedict laughing, "She would never sit down with the ladies and was always out with us, up to mischief. She always confronted Anthony in duel with swords!"

"Yes! I remember that!" Said a smiling Eloise, "She would say that embroidery was boring and that she would much rather learn how to fight. Her and Anthony were always causing chaos around the house."

The family spend some time remembering the young girl that always seemed to bring havoc with her. None of them could help but fall back in time at the memories of the kind young miss with who most of them had shared their childhood.

"Is she to make her debut this season, mama ?" Asked Daphne.

"Yes, I believe she is. From the last letter Lady Primrose sent to me, before the accident, she said that they were coming back to England now that Ariana had finish her education, so that she could make her debut."

"Well, that is good news. I won't be alone in the dreadful season at least." Said Eloise with sigh to which her mother answered with a glare.

"Anthony." Called Benedict with a sly smirk that could not bring anything good. "I believe I remember you once said to Miss Primrose that if one day she was to best you at fencing, you would marry her."

At that, Anthony glared at his brother, feeling his face heating at the laughs of his siblings.

"Yes! He did! And she said that she was to abandon fencing right away if it was so, to be sure she would never be better than him!" Revealed Colin, speaking between waves of laughter. Even with the embarrassment of his family laughing at his extent, Anthony could not help the small smile on his lips at the memory of the fierce girl that would always challenge him to break his etiquette and brought him in scandalous situations.

She had left when they were still children but Anthony always cherished the memories of the summer they spent at Aubrey Hall. He could not help the feeling of excitement in his body at the thought of seeing her again. She had been his best friend and though she was far from the perfect girl expected from the society, she was the kindest person he had ever met. If she had been pretty when she was a girl, he could only wonder how she might have bloomed as a woman.

The next day, as promised, Lady Bridgerton sent a letter to Miss Primrose informing her of the arrangement between the two families and calling upon her to come as rapidly as she could to London. She received an answer two days later informing her of the young miss gratitude and of her depart for London. She was to arrive in two days time, leaving Lady Bridgerton the time to prepare her arrival. The whole family seemed excited for the arriving of their guests. Eloise was happy to know she would have someone to share her debut with. Hyacinth, Francesca and Gregory were excited to meet this lady, the family seemed so fond of and the four elder Bridgerton were glad to see their friend again.

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