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The Doctor's POV

Cassidy and I were on a mission. There's something afoot on this planet, and I intend to reason with it.

This Zanolith fellow wants to kill it, you see. I believe everything should have a chance to live. So did his little assistant Yipet. Every time Zanolith mentioned how he was going to kill the Zygon, Yipet shuddered, making his stutter worse. I noted this. I asked Yipet what his view was on our problem, and he said calmly, "I'd rather for it not to be brutally murdered by science." He lost his stutter.

"Where'd your stutter go?" I asked. He frowned and turned away without a word. I shrugged, but I knew something was wrong.

Cassidy's POV

I saw The Doctor talking to Yipet a little while ago. Yipet must have said something, because The Doctor shrugged and turned away.

"Something's up with Yipet." We both whispered at the same time. He grinned crazily and said, "We finally have a 'case' on our hands!" He said, wringing his own out of excitement.


I stopped and turned to The Doctor, who had begun to fiddle with pieces of technology, trying to build something. "Did you hear that?" I asked. He looked up. "No, but I'll listen out for anything strange. So, Professor, what exactly do you study?"

Zanolith smiled and said, "I study all sorts of things. Mostly psychology, but my major is interstellar social sciences. Learning the duties and natural life of everyone in the galaxies is my job. But when the Council Head sees "science", he thinks of 'normal' science, biology, chemistry and all that jazz. Science is more than samples and test tubes."
The Doctor smiled. "I know. There's so much more to it than what people think." The two exchanged grins and set back to work. In a flash, something sparked and Zanolith cried, "You did it!" The Doctor lifted his work above his head and said, "We've got a tracker!"

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