Hello World

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My name is Cassidy.

Cassidy McGuffin.

And currently, I'm sitting in a blue telephone booth zooming through all time and space. It's not what I had expected, being a girl from rural England and moving to London because I thought it was going to be "classier".

Boy, was I wrong.

Yet, I'm having a better time than I ever would have tracing circles in Piccadilly Circus, staring in windows at things I don't need. In fact, Piccadilly is where I met him.

A large blast erupted from the center of the circus. People were screaming, running about, and overall panicking. In order to not get trampled on, I dodged out of people's ways and joined in the running. Then I saw him.

His hands in his black trouser pockets, red bowtie neatly straightened, tweed jacket pulled firmly over his shoulders and not a hair out of place, he strode by. I froze. I'd seen this man before. But where... My thoughts were interrupted. I was knocked to the floor by a panicked pedestrian. I crunched into a fetal position, checking to see if I had lost any teeth, when a pair of black boots step in front of my gaze. I look up and it's him. He outstretched a hand, and I take it.

"Hello? Cassidy? Are you feeling okay? You seemed a little...out of it."

I'm snapped back to reality by a literal snap of fingers.

"Yeah," I mutter. "Perfectly fine." He grins. "So! Where shall it be today? The Topaz coloured hills of Frue? Or are you more of an Afeline person? They've got actual flying cats with wings!"

Oh yeah. I forgot. He's an alien.

My Guardian AlienOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz