18: One Step Closer

Start from the beginning

"I wanted to be early so we can make it time for our reservation tonight." David reassured Jennifer and reminded her that they are indeed having a date night the night before they'll be leaving to go back home.

"You made a point." She paused. "But I'll need these." She grabs the sunglasses that were hanging on David's shirt and puts them on.

"You look fine honey," He laughed.

"Tell that to my barely open eyes." Jennifer responded before opening her door which David did the same.

Walking out of the car Jennifer couldn't help but smile that David immediately went over to her side of the car and she just grabbed his hand instinctively. What makes it better is that there isn't anything else to hide. She loves him, clearly.

"Jennifer! David!" The paparazzi yelled as they walked closer to the doors. The two didn't acknowledge anything but just kept looking forward. "Beautiful movie last night Jen, and congratulations on the relationship to the both of you!" He yelled lastly to which the pair finally reacted to. It was rare to have one of these people who constantly want to invade your privacy say something either nice, truthful or honest.

So Jennifer just yelled: "Thank you!" When they were approached at the door by two fans they knew it would be a time crunch for them but regardless David and Jennifer signed their stuff and asked them how they were, before heading inside.


"We're back in the infamous set that everyone at home knows a little too well." The reporter turned around pointing at the friends set. "It's none other than the NBC hit show: FRIENDS! I'm visiting the famous sitcom friend group on their return for their fifth season. All of the good sides, difficulties and we can't forget to mention the revelation of the on screen romance turned off screen between Jennifer Aniston and David Schwimmer. More to come as things follow."

It was common to have reporters come and visit the set for the start of a new season. But the attention to the friends set was extra due to news that had risen from the movie premiere. The six actors turned friends made the pact as they called Lisa from Los Angeles. They'll keep things related to the show together and not monetize the relationship on top of that.

Jennifer and David arrived on set together as usual. Coffees in hand for the cast and crew which stays on tradition for them. After London they were the last ones to arrive back to Los Angeles deciding to take a long waited vacation that didn't revolve around work. Noting the last time they were out of the house was barely a beach day, which was still in the country. With Lisa watching Norman while they were away it became a no brainer that they should extend their London stay. Today, being the day that they had gotten back to work. The day of the big press interviews of the new season. The day where now they are more public than ever. In London it didn't bother them. Frankly no one invaded their personal space that much. Even when they were doing tourist type things like riding the London Eye, they couldn't book a private space with Jennifer insisting that it would be fine. Which they in fact were.

"Honey, we will be fine. We've been here what almost a week without the others and no one has taken our picture invasively. I mean there have been paparazzi here and there but nothing like back home." Jennifer was trying to calm down David as he was driving out of the hotel. Her boyfriend immediately getting used to driving here quicker than her as she only drove once and it ended up being on the wrong side of the road.

"You don't know that. I just want us to enjoy our time, together. Just us." David looked at Jennifer quickly as they reached a stoplight.

"And we are. I'm really enjoying it aren't you?" Jennifer grabbed David's hand and kissed it lightly. "Stop worrying and let's just enjoy the last few days here before things really need to change."

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