I promise, didn't I?

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(Beautiful art is not mine, belongs to the rightful owner)

Idea  from achiek98bol and the plot twist is mine

(in this au titans can live up to more than 13 years)

Eren and Levi became lovers both about 15 years old, during Humanity's worse time.

A/N- Enjoy, let me know for any mistakes

3rd pov~

Humanity was free.... no more titans, but one thing is gone, Levi's partner... was not here with him

As a cadet, you had to learn to forget the past you held so dearly instead you hold your swords and fight for humanity and recrimination for your loved ones

Levi couldn't recognize what this titan stood eye level in front of him, his eyes attempted to seek help around him, Levi leaned into this titan he recognized green and pure blue orbs with specks of gold that shines with sun's reflection,

But a terrible discomfort shoot to his head  panting in pain and screaming can be heard from the young raven cadet whichever affected his vision began to get blurry as the titan he stared at titan's face examining regret and pain

Levi wakes from a terrifying dream, it wasn't his first time having this dream


In the morning in the dining hall

"Eren" Levi whispers in thought

"Levi, can you hear me?" Mikasa shook the raven, but nothing seemed to snap him out of his daze


The Levi snapped out of his distraction 

"ye-yeah oh umm, can you please repeat that?" he asked nervously and looked down from the glare his cousin Mikasa give then her facial expression softened

"Are you okay? You seem to be off and on today"  taller Ackerman asked worriedly 

"yeah, am okay please go on, I just need to get fresh air" he left before hearing Mikasa continuing 

"what was that dream about, I don't know  all I need to do is find Eren"

The young cadet walked out towards the horse stables and spotted his one and only savior 

"Hey, Levi are you okay?" 

'Ugh why does everyone keep asking me if am okay, for all I know they are not' 

Levi thought

"am okay" he faked smiled 

Eren grins and continues looking at the sky 

"hey, Levi I wonder since humanity is still you know not perfect, I always wonder how it would be to be captain, and also human" he whispered the last word 

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