Author notes (why i took a break/more about me)

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Something you should know about me is that I have health problems that make one of my lung almost completely useless.

I had been told that i could do surgery to help me slightly heal my lung, not to the point were it will be as good as an average human but at least I won't want to faint after walking for 10 minutes.

At first my parents don't want me to do it because i most likely won't die if I don't do it but after talking some more with the doctor and realising how weak I really am, they finally agreed to do it.

We've decided to do the surgery and we will tell the doctor next time we see him, which be almost half a year later, when I finally go into surgery it will probably be at least a year later

I will be posting as much as i can before I go into surgery but with the speed I'm going, i most definitely won't finish this.

I will tell you guys when i find out when I find out about the surgery date.

If you're curious I don't mind you asking questions as long as they're not insulting or too revealing,tell me if you want a q&a.

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