Izuku:...you can try but you'll lose anyways

Runners, on your marks.



pros have to be creative in order to succeed.

Bakugou:Burst speed!

2 seconds
4.13 seconds

[PRESENT MIC] Katsuki Bakugo,
his Quirk: Explosion!

Bakugou:My power has more uses
than anyone else's in this school.

Izuku:keep telling yourself that

When Bakugou heard that and saw the time he was shocked that he was beaten and wanted to demand answers but he didn't get the chance

Kuroi-chi:Izuku! That was amazing I can wait for you to do more damage

She said this while holding onto Izuku and getting close to his ear

Izuku:in due time Kuroi-chi until then.....dont overdue it

Kuroi-chi:heheh no promises~

When it was her turn she got the same score as Izuku causi g some the students inlcidung Aizawa and a stalker Allmight to be shocked


"Wow! You hit 540 kilograms?

You're such a beast!"

"Yeah, like a muscle‐y octopus."

And so the test continued until it was time for the next

[whistle blows]


That's insane!
How's that possible?

Izuku simply watched and seeing Ochako waving at him with a smile on her face and Izuku waved back but with no emotion on his face

Izuku:hmmmmmm All that's left

is the ball throw then the distance run,
sit‐ups, and the seated toe touch.

When Izuku name was called he simply walked toward the circle

Iida:Midoriya is something else I wonder what he'll do in this test

Bakugou:Huh? That Quirkless loser is just gonna lose this one

Iida:He has a Quirk. Did you not hear about what he did in the entrance exam?

Bakugou didn't want to believe it that the nerd has a quirk and was getting pissed about the possibility

Aizawa:Here it comes.

Inko:Izuku! I'm really proud of you, son.

Izuku:well let's get on with it

Izuku the Poltergeist Where stories live. Discover now