Evil Cookies...?

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Another day of getting food and water. My ancestors would look down on me in shame if they were alive right now, watching me scrape at a chance of life. I look around, only seeing the berries I planted and some...Jelly crumbs? I gasp and pick them up. This is the first time in a while I have seen these. The gold and pink colors amuse me, and I see a trail of the crumbs. I follow it, picking them up eagerly. Then I see a huge purple mushroom! My lucky day! I quickly grab it by the head and get a bite, making sure it isn't poisonous."Hey...That hurts..."The mushroom can speak?! I jump off and try to defend myself, even though it probably can't hurt me. It turns around and reveals a cookie that also is a mushroom."Oh...You look so dirty, friend. What happened to you...?"They asked me. I step back some more and see it holding bear jellies."Your bear jellies...Could I have some of them, please? I would do anything for them!"I ask the cookie nicely, and they seem to think for a bit. They then hold out six of them, and they say, "Be my friend and you can have them. By the way, I am Mushroom Cookie!"I nod and they give them to me, and I can't help but eat one then put it in my...pouch? That doesn't matter, but what does is that I have my first friend!"I'm Custard Cookie the third. The third part is really important, can you guess why?"I ask them, and they think again. They think a lot, I bet they are the smartest cookie ever!"Is it because you are... a third of something...?"They ask, and I chuckle. I raise my staff, now rusty and covered in mud and vines, high up in the air."It is because I am the third royal in my family to be given that name! I come from the longest line of nobles and kings and queens ever!"I yell, and they look at me in awe."Wow! You must have your palace then! Could you show me it, oh prince...or king Custard Cookie?"I never thought I would be asked that question...Mainly because my cave is the lowest living place in the hierarchy of living places! I can't just tell him that I've been alone in the forest with nothing!"We...Can't go there right now! The powerful rulers are having a meeting about really important stuff so we can't go there! Plus, It's such a nice day out!"I make up as an excuse."Oh...Then how would you like to meet my...I dunno, but he is special to me even though he calls me names."They always have something up his sleeve, don't they?"Sure!"I agree and they drag me over to a grey cookie covered in rags."You slow child, You have been gone for hours!"The cookie yells at poison mushroom."Licorice, This is my friend, Custard Cookie the third! He is the third person to be named that in his entire humongous family! Could you believe that?"Mushroom introduces me to Mister Licorice Cookie. He turns around and takes a look at me."We are not keeping him, Mushroom. We only serve Dark Enchantress Cookie, Not a wannabe king."That was really rude of licorice!"He is saying hello. He always talks mean so I just learned to go with it."Mushroom whispers to me."Oh, Well hello to you as well Mister Licorice! It is so nice to meet two new cookies after being alone for so long-"I cut myself off and look at the two. Mushroom looks in shock, as I have just revealed that I was alone instead of living with my family IF I HAD ONE. Licorice is just...surprised. I bet he didn't expect that."Now, I may be an evil cookie and to be honest work with other evil cookies but I can say that a child should not be living alone."He says And reaches out for me. I back away, Then I run all the way back to my cave. They didn't follow me. I sigh and hold my face in my hands. I just lied to my only friend and now licorice cookie will probably punish me since he is supposedly mean all the time. I look at a few marks on the wall, each one representing a friend I had then lost. I make another mark and a half one, then I re-light the fire and continue the daily schedule.

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