A runaway

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(All of this will be in custard cookie's POV with some exceptions)

I cannot believe that I, Custard Cookie the third, would ever live in a forest like this living off of all kinds of wild berries and sometimes mushrooms. As a king, I should get feasts and desserts and snacks! Not this! I sigh and look up at the big blue sky. My dad always would say that I would one day be able to fly up there and live as happy as a beautiful king. If he could see me now, He would be so disappointed."Bark!Bark!"I hear in the distance. I look around and find a favorable cake puppy! He comes up to me and playfully barks once more!"Aw!A cake puppy! And you're wearing a crown! Are you from a noble family too?"I ask it. It jumps on me."Stop it! Stop tickling me!Hahaha!OUCH!Don't bite me...!Haha!"I play with it, And then it runs away. I hear something else behind me, and I panic and jump into a bush."Did anybody else see a small child?"I hear something or someone say. They must've shrugged it off, and they ran somewhere else. I look around and see nothing else there. Well, back to the cave it is. The cave is kind of like my temporary home Until I find a good kingdom! Which will happen when bear jellies can fly. I enter from the vines covering it to avoid predators and see an un-lit fire, Cake logs, and a rock I use as a pillow."Hello, cave and bugs living in it."I greet, pretending that the bugs could understand me. They must think I'm either a monster who doesn't hurt them or their king. I rub some small rocks against a stick and eventually start a fire again. I then cook some berries and mushrooms over it. As long as I have food, sleep, and some-what clean water, I should be fine.

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