Chapter 31: Drunkard

Start from the beginning

"I'm *hic* fine doll," G slurs. I look at him with weary eyes. He looks pissy drunk.

"Uh, I don't think so. Hey Grillby how many drinks has G had? I lost count after 3," I ask, turning towards the direction of Grillby. He shrugs.

"To be honest I lost count after 7,"  he admits, cleaning the counter. 7!?! I sigh. I take a 20 dollar bill out of my pocket and give it to him. 

"Thanks for the drinks and food Grillby, we'll be going home now," I said. He nods, taking the dollar bill and walks off into the kitchen. I get out of my seat and gently tug G's jacket. "Come on we're going home G." I pull him out of his seat, he wobbles over me being barely able to stand. I put his arm around my shoulders and begin walking with him out the restaurant. I struggle to walk with him down the street since he was actually heavy. How? I don't know. "Geez, you're just bones, how are you so heavy?" I huff.

"Hey *hic* s' nah ma fault *hic hic*," he hiccups, nearly tripping over his feet. I had to catch him and hold onto his sweater. Ugh, I shouldn't have let him drink at all. Man I'm a bad friend. I would ask if he could teleport us home, but he's intoxicated. There's no telling where he would take us in this state. 

"Whatever you say G." I roll my eyes. 

"Hey dove, *hic* did anyone *hic* ever tell you *hic hic* you're beautiful *hic*?" I blush a bright pink. I roll my eyes again and remind myself he's drunk, what he says means nothing. But then I remember my mom told me, when people are drunk they say nothing but the truth. I know from experience, she told me. I shook my head trying not to overthink it. I stayed silent continuing to walk G back home.

 When we finally reached his house, I took the key from his pocket and opened the door. I allowed G to lean against the wall for a minute or so before moving him again. I lock the door behind us and move G towards the couch. He softly meets the cushions. "I'll go get you some water real quick. Okay?" He gives out a small moan in response. I get even more worried and hurry to the kitchen. I've never really dealt with a drunk person or monster so I was in a bit of a panic. I get a cold water bottle from the refrigerator and head back to the living room along with some pills, the ones G had given me when I had my hangover. I knelt beside G who was lying on the couch, nudging his arm a little so that I could get him to sit up. 

"Here G drink this, you're gonna need it." He sits himself up right and grabs my wrist. Before I could process what was happening, I was pulled on top of G, my legs on the sides of his torso. The bottle and pills both dropping out of my hands. He snaked his arms around my waist. I look at him with frantic, confused eyes. "Ummm G, c-can--- c-can you let go please?" I motion, trying to remove his arms. He doesn't respond, looking at me with eyes filled of an emotion I couldn't recognize. 

"What was that doll? I couldn't hear ya'," he whispers gruffly, coming closer to my face. I lean back a bit for distance.

"I-I s-said c-can you--- *Ahem* can you please let go of me?" I stutter, trying to remain calm in tone. I look to the side to avoid eye contact.

"And why would I do that---" he began, wrapping a finger around my chin, making me look into his pinpricks. "When you look so sexy like this? ~" I blush a dark pink. 

"G, we're friends. This is inappropriate and I don't think that---" I start. "Ah!" He flips me over, his body on top of mine. I look into his pinpricks and find them replaced with yellow hearts. His hand runs up my leg, lightly squeezing my thigh. I flinch as a shiver goes up my spine. "G s-stop." He pays no attention to my words and licks his lips. I begin to feel something I didn't want to feel, fear. So, I try to rationalize with G once more to get him stop before he does something we'll both regret. 

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