Chapter 1

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Charlotte : you're working late again?


Swivelling around in his extensively large and expensive desk chair, Benjamin clicked my pen onto the blank notebook.

Knock Knock.

He quickly sat up, attempting to make it look like he had been doing actual work for the past hour, when he had really just been thinking about his lack of involvement in his own life.

"Come in." he cleared his throat and spoke in a professional manner. His assistant entered, closing the door behind. Clutching onto his notebook, he spoke,

"Mr Zhang. Your fiance is on line 2. She is quite adamant on speaking to you."

Benjamin sighed, rubbing his hands over his eyes,
"Send it through." His assistant nodded before going off to do so.

Picking up the phone, he tried to sound cheerful.

"Hey, Char. I'm kinda busy right now."

"Why are you working late again? I told you we had to interview wedding vendors today, I even put it in your calendar."

"I'm sorry, we have just been swamped at work."

"Both our families are counting on us to work."

"I know. I know. I'll be home soon. Goodbye."

"Love you." The call disconnected.

Love you. This wasn't love. He didn't love her. The only reason they are engaged is because their families have been planning it since they were toddlers. It would be "great for business" as his father puts it. All about business. All about status. God forbid he ever marry into a normal family. He couldn't take it anymore. Getting up out of his chair, he grabbed his blazer, slipping it on and exited his office.

Walking along the streets, he watched as other couples sat together in coffee shops, sharing jokes and kisses. He yearned for that kind of love. Real love. Taking a deep breath, he continued to walk, before reaching a small flower shop, his eyes scanned the colourful array of various flowers. Deciding to buy some flowers as an apology for Charlotte, he stepped into the shop, hearing the bell ring as he did so.

Scanning the store, he layed eyes on the cashier, a frail old woman, who looked as if she would rather be doing anything but this.

"A bouquet of roses, please." He spoke politely, to the woman behind the counter. The woman made a move to go get the flowers.

"Roses? How cliché." A stranger mumbled from behind him, barely audible.

Turning back to see who the voice belonged to, Ben replied."Excuse me?"

The stranger turned around, revealing her features. Her dark hair cascading over her shoulders, and brown eyes staring back inquisitively, as she closed the book in her hands. Not expecting a reply, but having obviously listened to the previous exchange she explained,
"Roses. They're so cliche. Why not lilacs? Or peonies?" He looked at her amused, a small smirk on his face, as he took her in. Skin practically glowing, a twinkle in her eyes, suggesting a sort of innocence about her. She had the radiance of a greek goddess. Beautiful. Like Aphrodite herself.

"And what do you propose I should chose instead." He gestured to the array of flowers around the shop.

"Well, who are they for?" she asked, putting her boom away in her tote bag. Her beauty was like a heavenly presence, he quickly snapped out of his trance and replied,

" My mom. We're celebrating." he hesitated, trailing off before answering, avoiding eye contact for a moment.

She pondered for a moment, resting her hand on her chin. Her eyes lit up and she answered,

"Chrysanthemums." she nodded enthusiastically, "They're beautiful. Overlooked. The perfect gift."

"Hm. Alright then, chrysanthemums it is..." He paused, a sign for her to reply with her name.

"Thasnim." She replied, beaming.

Authors Note:

Started this as a joke but here we are 😭

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