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""talking" 'thinking' *action* "cod voice" "ALL MIGHT"

so this will be the usj part with a twist


izuku pov at school in class

im sitting in class with my head in my arms fake sleeping i hear people all around me talking im in my black sleeping bag with my heaters on so im warm because its raining yet its only a few weeks from Christmas 'huuuu i want it to snow' "yea i cant believe he has a villain quirk" 'who said that?' 

i open one of my eyes and see the 4 tormenters talking to the invisible girl 'so annoying, everybody talks' i stop thinking and sit straight up some people went silent i look out the window "every body talks" i whisper to myself getting out my sleeping bag and sprinting outside

3rd pov in class

the class just watch izuku sprint out the class without a goodbye or anything leaving them confused "w-what just happened" mina asked getting some confused looks to her 

"he shouldn't have just left like that. its no way to treat a class room" lida commented 

"dont worry guys my guess is he just thought of a good song he wants to write *sighs* this happens every time he gets inspiration" katsuki said standing up and leaving the class room to see where his cute friend disappeared to tho he new it was to the roof 

"he sings?" "yea didnt you see him at the entrance exam. he was soo cool" "no?"

katsuki pov

i walked up the stairs slowly i wanted to catch izu singing he hasnt done it in a while so this has gotta be good, right?' i stood at the top of the stairs and waited till i hear 

"ok zero i need you to play the drums like this *shows him*" "yes master this will be good, very strong however will this hurt your throat if your too loud?" i heard them talking pretty clearly i was shocked 'hurt his throat?'

"yes zero it will, but it will be worth it look ive tested it before *shows neck* it only leaves these red lines up my neck for a few days and it hurts to shout so i havent been talking much. anyway this will be good right?" "yes it will, how did you think of it?" 

"in class 10 mins ago every one was talking so i said everyone talks thats how i got the chorus" *zero nods* i opened he door earning a long creek they both look at me and zero goes to hell  

aizawa pov

'damn problem children always running off' i thought running to the roof to get the two boys who skipped English for god knows why

*kicks open door* "OI *activates quirk* why arnt you in class i was just explaining we are going to the usj and realised you wasnt there" i said walking forward seeing pages of music notes 'new song?' 

"izu is this a new song?" "yes sir" "no sir please" "oh yes uncle zawa it is this is why we left i got a good idea this song is strong to" 'hmm i guess thats ok' "ok well get ready we are leaving in a bit meet  me outside" 

izuku pov at bus

me and kachan got to the bus and every seat was full except the ones next to uncle zawa "kachan lets sleep here *points to zawa* please" kachan turned to me with a bored look and hummed in response i sat in the middle in my sleeping bag kachan on the left uncle on the right 

i got really sleepy so i fell on kachan and drifted to sleep

3rd pov on bus

"yo guys what do you think we will be doing?"*ribbit*  tsu asked everyone 

"maybe a search and rescue" "no i think just quirk training" 

denki and kirishima bickered as the buss pulled to a halt and everyone got off with aizawa carrying izuku under his right hand walking up to 13

"hey 13 where is all might?" 

"oh his timer ran out so he will be here later on" 

"ah ok" 'stupid man , i hate him' aizawa thought turning too his class 

*deep breath* "ok guys today we are doing quirk training in different environments your not use to" "HA CALLED IT!" kirishima shouted 

*black portal at bottom of stairs* 

"oh wow they even have fake villains" kirishima and deki said simultaneously 'villains' the whole class thought "THERE NOT PART OF THE TRAINING THEY'RE REALL 13 protect the children" all might shouted leaping own the stairs dropping izuku on the floor  wakening him up

*groan* "what the hell" izuku moaned getting up "VILLAINS!" mineta screamed when a shadow figure came up and separated them all leaving izuku on his own at the top of the stairs an everyone else in different zones 

with aizawa

"ahhhhh we are the LOV and we are here to kill all might" some crusty man said covered in hands with light blue hair standing next to the shadow guy and a massive bird creature 

'kill all might?' aizawa thought while fighting multiple villains "oh and get that green haired kid, master says he wants his quirk *looks at nomu* nomu fetch" *points to izuku* 

'OH SHIT' izuku and aizawa thought as the bird came rushing to him quicker than the eye can see *izuku summons 1000 crows to cover him*

the crows disappear and fly away showing izuku no where to be seen 'oh my god that was close' izuku thought while in his shadow form teleporting from shadow to shadow and landing back at the top of the stairs 'how the FUCK do i fight this thing?'


hehe short one im tired and have GSCE tomorrow 

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