I Have A Crush On The New Kid

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Mark (POV)

I felt a pair of eyes on my back. I ignored them until the feeling stopped. I got into my ruby red Porsche and drove to my school. When I was halfway there I heard my phone ring. "Siri, answer the phone." I said. 'Answering phone' Siri answered. My Siri was a male, which surprised most people, because they didn't know Siri could be a guy. 'Honey, where are you?' I heard my mom ask. "I'm halfway to school." I answered. 'Did you have breakfast?' She asked. "Annie made me an omelet before I left." 'Oh, well don't forget to thank her when you get home.'  "I will." 'Well have a good day, honey. I love you.' "I love you to Mom." She hung up. I smiled, then thought of how I was going to tell my parents. 'Today you are going to tell them.' I thought to myself. I haven't told my parents that I am gay. The words just never seemed right, and whenever I finally got the courage to tell them, I would hear them talking about how they thought a new couple or kid they came out as gay was trouble for the neighborhood. I breathed in a shaky breath. As I parked in Macidel H. High school , I saw a black truck next to mine. 'I've never seen a Nissan Titan here. Is there a new kid?' I thought to myself. I got out of my Porsche and walked to Chemistry. 

When I sat down, I saw a kid with black hair, and an earring in his left ear. He was talking to Andrew. "Who are you?" I asked. He turned to look at me, and my heart stopped. 'Damn, he's sexy.' I thought to myself. 'I could just get lost in those big green eyes.' "My name is Axel, what's yours." 'Even his name and voice were sexy. "My name is Mark File." I told him, trying to look cool. "Wait, are you the guy that has that red Porsche?" He asked. I remember those eyes from earlier. 'So he was watching me.' I thought smugly. "Yeah. Are you the one who has that sick Nissan Titan?" He nodded. "Ahem." I turned to Andrew. He looked annoyed. "Oh, hi Andean." I said. I knew that wasn't his name but for some reason I liked annoying him. "It's Andrew!" He said angrily. I smirked. Class started, but since no one payed attention anyways, our teacher, Mr. Gard, didn't get onto us. "Aaanyways," Andrew said bringing Axel's attention back to him, much to my displeasure. "how are we going to get more petition sign ups?" He asked Axel. Axel turned to me. "Maybe Mark might want to sign it." The sound of him saying my name made me want to moan. "S-sure." I didn't care what the petition was for, just as long as Axel was happy. "Okay, that makes 2 people so far." Andrew said. "F-for what?" I asked. Andrew glared at me. "We are asking around to see if people want the art work, I have worked very hard on if I might add, to stay." 'Does he mean those gorgeous drawings where made by him! I've heard that he was good, but I never imagined that those pieces of art were his.' "You made them?" I asked in awe. He blushed. "Um, yeah, I've been practicing, but I've never had such a big canvas before." He didn't look like he was used to being in the spotlight. 'I guess he has potential. By the time I'm done with him, his light will shine.' I thought looking him up and down. "Well if you are looking for more petitions then you are looking at the right guy." Both Andrew and Axel looked at me with confused expressions. I sighed. 'I guess I'm going to have to dumb it down for them. "I'm popular. People want to be popular. They'll sign up just to fit in with me." I said it slowly for them. Andrew scowled at me, but Axel looked like he was trying not to laugh. "I'm not an idiot, but what makes you think you're popular?" I rolled my eyes. "I have money, style, and I know social cues." Andrew opened his mouth, but then closed it, knowing that I was right. "Fine, but, we have to it my way." I groaned, but said, "Fine." The bell rang. I got up and started walking to my next class when I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around to see Axel. "Could I sit with you at lunch?" He asked shyly. I smiled. "Of course." He smiled at me. 'How is he this cute?' I thought. "Well, see you at lunch." "Yeah, see you." 'I can't wait to see you, and your sexy self. I did not just think that.' I face palmed myself, while I walked to class.  

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