Chapter 25// planned and unplanned

Start from the beginning

////// UA //////

Kaminari POV

We were assigned to come up with 'ultimate moves ' to help us get our provisional licenses , we all trained with our hero costumes on

The teachers explained that we can get some support items from the support class but now that I think of it I didn't need any support items, my whole costume has very high heat/electricity resistance , it has a built-in mini ac so that my body doesn't overheat, my whips can be used for both long and short rage and my speed as the cherry on top . I may or may not have forgotten about support items while I was designing my costume but it is what it is I guess

That being said I decided to go with a different approach with my support items, instead of getting something to help myself/my quirk I decided I'll get something that'll be of use for the people around me

I walk into the support lab and tell Power Loader and Hatsume about my idea and they seem to be intrigued

"A protection blanket, what made you think of that" Power Loader said, he was probably not used to getting these kind of requests

"Well electricity is a very dangerous element, I learned how to control which way it goes but when I have to use a higher percentage of volts than controlling where it goes gets a little difficult so if I have people around me than I need to make sure they don't get hurt by my attacks" I replied

"I get what your saying but unfortunately we don't have something like that yet but don't worry I'll get right into it" Hatsume said in her usual high pitched voice

"Ok , tell me when it's done to, thank you" I said rushing out of there before Hatsume forces me to try her so called 'babies'

Now as for my ultimate moves a.k.a my Trump card technically I already have one , not just one a lot actually........ Let's see I have
< Shock Storm>
< Auto Pilot >
< Electric Search>
< Current Control >
< Electric Whips >
< Electrification Ultimate >

all those with my < Lighting Speed >

I've also been practicing on molding my whips into a specific weapon like the bow and arrow I used in the fight between All might and AFO , its still as
draining as ever but I'm working on it

I figured I should probably make less complicated shapes so that's what I'm gonna do

I looked around to see my other classmates developing their super moves, some people using kirishima as their punching bag

I walk over to one of the cement towers in the center of the training gym and started to work my magic

I emit several whips and manipulate them into a drill like structure , slow and steady I started making them spin imitating an actual drill

I remember Best Jeanist always trying to educate us and try to get as much information in our heads as possible while we were at work studies, I remember him saying something among the lines of There will be times when your quirk won't be of much help in some situations or when dealing with a villain that puts you in a quirk disadvantage, at those times you have to be versatile. Things won't always be in your favor and when it happens you'll have to deal with it like a hero

When he said that the first thing that I thought of was Cementos Sensei knowing full confidentiality that I WILL Lose when I fight him

My Electrification is strong but against someone like Cementos it's pretty lackluster , I mean it's common knowledge that an Electicity type is weak against an Earth type and we are the PERFECT example for that ,He can use his quirk to trap me or CRUSH me even, just thinking about it makes me pretty sacred if him , and it's not like my whips work likes Jirou's Jack's that can somehow effortlessly break rocks, Nope, my whips are made out of pure electricity so the worst thing it could do to a is leave some sort for burn (kinda like when lighting hits the ground)

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