Chapter 6: alpha tw:sadness

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Drempy pov

Drempy told the whole story:
"I saw goge cheat on me and then I screamed at him because I wanted him to know how dominant I am of my sussy baka. Then this happened.."
Fundy looked up from his psychological notebook. "Okay so like, why did you cheat in the first place..?"

Drempy got up eagerly and flexed his muscles. "Because I'm a fucking alpha bitch!", he exclaimed as sunglasses appeared over his eyes.
Afterwards, Gogay told his story. Apparently, he wanted to show his worth by having a side-hoe, as he felt he was too replacable. Lmao, drempy thought, Snerpsnorp really is only fit for a role as side hoe. And that man calls himself alpha. Even his twinky fiancés are more powerful.

Drempy growled at his sussy omega and flexed his eyeliner. Then they made out on furry's couch and drempy howled to the moon.

A/N: the real angst is only to come... Stay tuned!! :D

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