Part 6- A diferent pov

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POV stands for Point Of View for those of you who didn't already know. And this chapter is going to be writen in John Murphy's point of view (or POV)
P.s: Sorry for the delay but I had my tests this week. In fact I still need to study for a few of them.

"John... please turn off the music."-I heard y/n call from the living room.

I walk out of the kitchen, turnning off the music once I reach the stereo. I sit next to her in the armchair right next to the sofa.

"Are you felling alright?"

It was obvious that she wasn't but I had to ask. Her nose was red and she keeps sniffling. Her body was covered by a fluffy blanket. Her petit figure could stop shaking.

"Are you cold?"-I reach my hand touching her forehead-"y/n! You're burning in fever!"
"P-Please... Go get me some m-medicine..."
"I'll be right back!"

I run out of the living room and look in every cabinet, closet and drawer bringing her every kind of pill I could find.

"t-thanks"-She looked through the boxes eventually finding what she wanted, I gave her a glass of water for her to swallow more easily.

"You should be in bed!"
"I know. But I-I'm so cold..."
"Come on. I'll keep you warm."

I pick her up from the sofa carrying her up the stairs and into her bedroom. I carefully laid her down. I laid besides her pulling her into my chest, she snuggled against me and slowly the quivering stops as she falls asleep.

-one day later-

"raise and shine, Bambi!"-She groans into the pillow.

I sit down in the bed putting the plate of crackers down on the bedside table before turning to her.

"My head is killing me!"-she mutters
"I brought you the pills and crakers"
"thank you, John"- She sits up, taking the pill from my hand and swalows it with the craker.
"You thank me too much"
"sorry"-she giggles.
"it's okay... Better than the things that I'm so used to ear"
"what things?- her eyebrows scrunch together.
"It doesn't matter. Not anymore! They're all... probably dead"
"The people who came down here with you?"
"Weren't they your friends?"
I chuckle at her question-"No, y/n! They wanted to kill me... multiple times."
"that's not very nice..."
"I'm not very nice either."
"yes you are John! If you weren't nice you wouldn't be here... taking care of me. You wouldn't... let me live..."
"what are talking about?"
"You could've just killed me and take this place... but you didn't... I don't care one bit about what other people think of you... They were the bad guys in the end..."

I hold her hand with my own.

"try to get some rest, y/n"

-Hours later-

"John! John Murphy!"
"I'm felling better! See?"
"y/n... Where are your clothes?"
"I don't... I felt really hot!"
"It means the fever is going away."
"ah, you're really smart"
"not really... I just saw it in one of this movies you have"
"nice"-She smiles coming closer before hugging me.
"let's get you to bed"
"nooo!! I don't wanna got to bed!"-She lets go stumping her foot on the floor.
"at least get clothes on-"
"Never!"-She runs off going up the stairs

I could ear her giggles through the locked door of her bedroom.

"I'm going to take my bra off"-She giggles.
"Please get dressed! You'll get worse!"
"I'm felling devine!"
"I bet you are..."

I could only ear giggles and shuffling sounds from inside, until something breaks making a loud noise echo through the halls.

"What happened? Are you alright?"
"Yeah, I'm fine... I just fell..."
"You fell? how? y/n open the door!"
"I'll break it down if I have to!"
"Please don't!"

I walk back away from the door and run towards the door with full force hitting it and budging it open.

"MURPHY! Are you nuts?"-She laughs
"No I- wow! You were not kidding when you said you took your bra off"-I turn towards her and she was laying on the floor next to the broken vase.
"I warned you!"-She laughs.
"You can't handle those pills! Can you?"
"I do just fine!"
"Of course"-I grab her arm pulling her up and piking the bra for her-"here"
"thank you!"-She puts it on-"close it for me please"

I sigh doing as she asks before helping her get into her pijamas and cleaning the floor.

"That sure was an adventure. Are you felling better?"
"I'm going to pass out..."
"What? Now?"

I say right before she falls into my arms. I chuckle as I get her into bed.

-the next morning-

"uuuggghh... what happened last night? My head hurts"-She says before letting out a snize.
"good morning to you too"
"morning, John!"
"Here take this"-I hand her one pill and one glass full of water
"I need two pills!"-She complains
"No you don't! They mess with your head!"
"No they don't!"-She drinks the water swallowing the pill.
"I really wish you could remember!"
"What did I do this time?"-she sighs as she lays down again.
"You took off your bra"-Her eyes go wide
"What!?-She panics.
"It's ok! I helped you get another one... You put on quite a fight. You even broke a vase!"
"I did?"-she covers her face with her hands.
"Yeah, you did!"
"I'm sorry!"
"Don't be... I was hilarious"-I chuckle.
"You're a meany!"
"well, if I knew you were this naughty I would never give you the nickname of Bambi"
"shut up! You're making me fell worse!"-She pulls the blankets over her head
I crawl on to the bed getting on top of her.

"Murphy! get off! you're fat!"-She giggles from underneth the covers.
"Am not!"-I pull the covers off of her.

She stares into my eyes without losing her smile. I crack a smile myself. That is a thing that I haven't done in quite a long time. I kiss her forehead, and the brige of her nose and by the time I kiss the point of her nose she's a giggling mess.

"What are you doing?"-she holds my shirt pulling my closer.

I kiss her lips before kissing her cheek and going down the line of her jaw until I reach her neck leaving sloppy kisses all over. Her breathing changes and a smirk grows on my lips at the thought of the efect I had over her. Her soft hands caress my neck as my own make their way under the blankets and get under the hem of her pijama top she lets a whimper escape her lips.

"M-Murphy... Is this ahhmm... the thing that they do in the movies?"
"maybe... what do they do in the movies?"
"the naughty?"

I laugh at her question.

"You could say that... but not today!"
"No?"-I move away from her neck rolling over and laying next to her.
"Why not?"-She looks towards me with a confused look.
"I want you to be my Bambi a little while longer"-I look at her and she shyly smiles looking away as her cheeks turn pink.
"Alright, but only as long as you're my bad boy"-she giggles-"Deal?"

I didn't know how to end it >.< sorry...

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