52. Stop trying to buy me off

Start from the beginning

"Hi" she replied, her voice raspy.

"You good?"

"Yeah Joshy when am I not" she smiled. "I'm going back soon" she added.


"Josh I'm fine I just went to see Sirius for a bit and wanted to walk around" she shrugged. "I'll see you later" she added.

"Don't push me away- I can't be pushed" he smiled.

"I'm not pushing- I literally can't push you" she chuckled.

"What happened then?"

"Panic attack. See? didn't push you" she said nagging her finger.

"You want me to get Emily?"

"No" she smiled, shaking her head.

"How are you?" he asked.

"I'm okay" she nodded.

Josh's eyes knew the answer. Spencer looked at him for a couple seconds before taking a deep breath and looking at the floor.

She let that breath go, tears filling her eyes. "Sorry" she chuckled.

"Don't be sorry" he shook his head. "Can you look up at me please? I can't really lift up your chin" he said as he walked in front of her.

Spencer sniffled as she looked up. 

"I love you,"  he smiled, "even snotty bitchy you" he chuckled.

"I love you too" she laughed, wiping her tears away.

"Don't stay out too late, it's cold" he said before leaving.

Spencer nodded as he disappeared. As Josh left she stared at the snow for a while, looking at the tracks her shoes left behind.

She slowly followed them back, going back to the willow.

This isn't a smart idea, she told herself as she walked in.

"V" Sirius rose from the couch, tea in hand. "I'm," he set the tea down, "I'm sorry I didn't mean- I don't want you to think you did anything wr-"

"I'm going to try and say something... and I just need you to listen, okay?" Spencer asked, Sirius nodded.

"I got scared- so I ran," she said awkwardly putting her hands in her pockets, "you- ugh this is so stupid" she walked around the room.

Sirius watched as she paced.

"You don't need to explain anything" he spoke.

"I want to" she nodded. "Sorta" she added.

"It just reminded me of something, when you put your hand on my knee and-" she said to the floor, trying to breathe regularly.

"I know you didn't mean to scare me" she wiped a tear. "But I got scared anyway because you're one of the few people who makes me feel like a person" she another tear. 

He brought her in for a hug slowly.

"I was having a nightmare, I'm sorry" he rubbed her back.

"Just don't do that ever again" she nodded, hugging him back.

"You don't like rough sex?" he chuckled.

"Quit it" she laughed, pushing him back.

When Sirius finished chucking, he sat back down and thanked her for the stuff she brought.

With the money that her grandfather gave her, she bought him new clothes.

"You didn't have to" he said sitting down and sipping his tea.

"I wanted to," she shrugged, "Christmas and all" she smiled. "Anyway," she sat down, "how have you been?"

"Bored," he replied taking a bite out of a sandwich, "I've come to like you" he shook his head.

"You've always liked me"

"You don't know that"

"Yes I do" she chuckled.

"How was your Christmas?"

"Good" she smiled. "I saw my grandfather" she nodded.

"How did that go?"

"He's buying me off" she replied. "But he doesn't realize that... people with money never realize that" she shrugged.

"And what do you think?"

"I think if I have money I can get you a couple of-"

"Stop trying to buy me off" he joked.

"Ha. Ha" she replied sarcastically, Sirius smiled.


"Where were you?" Remus asked looking up from his book, sitting on the couch that faced the exit.

"Why are you up?" she chuckled.

"You know why," he replied smirking, "where did you go?"

"Visiting Sirius Black- we shared stories over tea" she replied, unwrapping her scarf and placing it on the coat hanger.

"That's not funny" he looked back at his book.

"Right," she looked at him, "Sorry" she apologized, walking to him.

She placed her finger on his book, slowly bringing it down.

Remus looked up at her, "what happened there" he examined her neck.

"The scarf was bothering me" she chuckled, moving his hand out of the way. "It was irritating my skin, might have to throw it out" she added. "Come sleep with me?" she asked.

"I'm not tired anymore"

"Then lay down with me until I fall asleep" Spencer smiled.

Remus smirked as he turned away from her.

Spender rolled her eyes before taking her shirt off.

Remus faced her again, grabbing her hips and bringing her closer. He began placing kisses on her stomach.

Moving upward he stopped at her bra, biting it and pulling it down slowly.

Spencer rose her chest a little, "I don't know why you do this to yourself" she spoke, erupting his body with chills.

"Tired of imagining" he unclipped her bra.

Spencer covered herself up quickly, "Remus it's freezing" she chuckled.

"You were the one that took off your shirt" he laughed, getting his wand and placing a warming charm on her body.

"Such a gentleman" she smiled. "Now c'mon" she walked to her room.

Remus groaned as he walked in.

Spencer got under the covers, quickly hugging him once he got in.

He kissed her head before he began rubbing her back softly, sending her to a blissful sleep.


A/N: short chapter but I promise long ones are coming soon!! I have a bazillion papers due 😩

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