Chapter 3

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"This is actually pretty easy once you get the hang of it." Fred says while he steers the car. I was sitting in his lap doing the gas and brakes. I couldn't help but laugh. "Oh yeah definitely easy." I laugh and turn to look him with the stupid grin in his face.

I admit, it did feel good to hear Freddie laugh after the grim look he had on his face this morning when I picked him up. The concert was killer. We snuck into a wizard bar and got butterbeer and fries. We talked more about our potential love interests and Quidditch. We also talked about how scary 5th year OWLs are.

Fred was right earlier. It had been a while since we hung out just the two of us. Don't get me wrong Fred and George were very different people. Fred was definitely the more stubborn of the two, but I think in a family as big as their's it's easy to forget they deserve individuality.

We hit a bump and I thumped against Fred's leg. He looked freaked out, but I just laughed and took over steering. "You did great. Thanks for staying awake with me for the drive back." Fred rested his hands on my lap. "This okay?" I smiled. "Of course. Why wouldn't it be?"

Fred was someone I felt so comfortable with I didn't even think about it anymore. "Sorry that I made that joke..." he starts. "Fred Weasley apologizing for a joke. Someone should call the Daily Prophet! This is a headline!"

He shifts aggressively with a huff so my body moves side to side. "Okay okay! Kidding. You've got to let me drive. What were you saying?" I ask.

Fred inhales. "I was just saying I am sorry I made that joke about Remus being your dad earlier."

"Oh!" I say out of reflex. "Well...that's okay. I've spent more of my life with Mary and Remus than my real parents so I am sure I've picked up on things from them. For example I read like Remus and talk like Mary when I'm nervous. Don't know where I get my dramatics from though. It is possible it's from both my parents but I guess I'll never know for certain..."

"Mal, Mal. I get it. I just didn't mean to bring up your dad and didn't want that hanging over you before I leave for Egypt."

I notice we're only about 20 minutes away from home so I pull over and park. I step out, resting my feet on the ground as I gently climb off of Fred. I breathe in the fresh air as we're now back in Otterly. Fred follows suit.

"Look, Freddie. It's us. I could never stay mad at you for too long. But I'm truly not upset. I don't avoid talking about my dad because it's too painful. I don't talk about him, because there are things I don't even know about him. I remember him tucking me in at night and then he was gone just like my mom." Fred nods.

That was the story that I was told. He died. He was some Frenchman she met. But yet Mary one day told me I was a pureblood without me asking. (Not that that mattered to anyone, but I knew Mary and Remus weren't.)

Plus Mom's diaries suggest she had two relationships/crushes at Hogwarts one on her classmate and friend Dorcas Meadows and the other on Sirius Black.

It doesn't take a detective to put two and two together. Given my age and Mary's age - my mom got pregnant right after leaving Hogwarts.

And the way Mary and Remus were my guardians even though Remus and my mother weren't that close....I've never brought it up because I know Dumbledore expected Mary and Remus to convince me I am not who I think I am.

I definitely don't know the whole story but there is more behind my mom and dad's relationship. That is not something I'm ready to share with anyone. Including Fred. Despite our amazing day.

"I got really lucky that Remus and Mary took me in so young. Or else...who knows where I'd be or even who I would be."

Fred leans forward and presses our foreheads together. "I got lucky to get a best friend who lives next door."

I smirk. "Only a mile and a half away."

Fred smiles as he walks over to get in the passenger seat.

The rest of the drive to the burrow is quiet. I park and start to get out with him. "Is your mother going to be mad we were out until 2 am?" He shrugs. We walk in to spot Mr. and Mrs. Weasley curled up on the couch. Percy with his angry arms crossed seemed less scary as his snores blew the end of his nightcap up and down. Even George seemed to be situated in a chair.

Fred got a devious look on his face. I shook my head at him, but he was already grabbing a pot and a spoon. "Rise and shine!" he calls while banging on the pot. I flinch. All the Weasley's stir.

"Ugh." Mr. Weasley groans.

"What time is it?" Percy whines.

"Where the hell am I?" George asks with one eye open.

Mrs. Weasley was the first to stand and yank the pot out of a snickering Fred's hands. "To bed. All of you." The boys get up and trudge upstairs.

Fred comes back and kisses my cheek. "Thanks for the concert, Mal." "Enjoy your trip, butthead." He scrunches up his nose at me, so I scrunch mine back.

"Sorry for the late drop off Mrs. Weasley." she waves it off. "Glad you kids had fun. Did I ask that? I did ask that right?" she questions still trying to wake up. I give her a small smile. "We had fun. Not as much fun as you'll have in Egypt, but fun." She rubs my arm as she walks me out. "Goodbye, darling."

The drive to my cottage is quick. I am surprised to see Remus sitting awake by a dying fire. "You didn't have to stay up for me." I say softly.

He gives me a tired smile. "I have to tell you something."

"Is it serious?" he seems to cringe at that word.

"I uhh...I was offered the Defense Against the Dark Arts position at Hogwarts."

"Oh!" I was surprised. "Well...of course you were. You are an excellent teacher. I mean I am an example student, but nevertheless you taught me everything I know." I say teasingly.

He smiled. "Your aunt is very hesitant about this."

"You can't stay together forever just because of me. It's my 5th year. You'll be living aprt soon anyways right?" He sighed. "Yes, well we don't like to talk about that."

"I think you might have to start looking at how to build a life for yourself after this."

"She is worried about my condition at school."

I nod. "Well...that's why you have to take the few opportunities that come knocking."

He looked up seemingly surprised. "When did you get so smart?"

I shrug. "Like I said. I had a good teacher." I stand up and head to my room.

"Aren't you going to bed?" He smiles. "I will in a bit."

"Good Night Uncle Remus."

"Night, baby."

I leave my uncle downstairs, thinking about his choices.

One Proud Lion - A Fred Weasley FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now