Chapter 2

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*Present Day* July 1993

I put the car in park. As I was outside the Weasley's burrow. I had to beg my Aunt Mary to let me borrow it. "You're only 15!" She had whined.

Uncle Remus had been more lenient. He is the one who taught me to drive and he put a little anti-crashing charm on it.

I stepped out of the car and up to the Weasley's door. Percy Weasley whipped it open before I had even reached for the handle. "I hope that isn't a magical car. You know my father could write you up for that." he says snidely.

I blinked rapidly. "Good morning, Percy." I finally decided on saying, as I pushed past him to get in. "Must you always be such a tattle-tale Percy?" Ginny questioned from the kitchen table. Percy fumed as he went back to his reading. "Besides, talk about the pot calling the kettle black." I whisper to Ginny. She chuckles.

Mrs. Weasley walks down the stairs. "Oh darling, I am so glad you are here." She pulls my arm and leads me back outside before I can say anything. Boy, was this family being weird today or what?

"You have to take Fred with you." I squint. "Well that was my plan." I had got concert tickets for me and the twins. I was here collecting them so we could go spend the day in London. Well the afternoon really, it was a 4 hour drive.

"No I mean...sorry, let me backup. George is sick." I put my hand on my heart. "Oh poor thing, is it serious?" Molly shakes her head.

"No it'll pass, but Fred is like a hovering menace and I need you to convince him to go with you anyways. I need him out of this house. Please Mallory. I am begging you."



"How am I supposed to...?"

"Tell him you don't want to not hang out before Egypt. Tell him you need him to guide you through London. Tell him The Cuddly Cannons will be at the concert. I don't care." she pleads.

I walk inside and go up to Fred and George's room. It looked the same except George was laying in bed, looking slightly paler than usual. Fred was indeed in a chair by his side as if this were the hospital wing.

"Get your stuff, Fredster. We're going."

Fred looked up from his chair. "But I..."

"No buts. Get your ass up. Let George sleep without you blah blah blah-ing in his ear."

"I do not!"

"Oh but you a little chatter pants. Now move." Fred stood up frowning and grabbed a jacket and shoving some wizard money in his pocket.

George was laughing slightly now, clearly not wanting to make Fred any more mad.

I moved over to the bed and kissed George on the head. "Get better, monkey-face." "Love you, Mal." he mumbled. "Love you too, Georgie. We'll be back later."

"Have Mum owl me if you want me to come home." Fred says. George waved him off. I practically dragged Fred out of the room. We skip down the stairs. "Okay, we're off. We'll be back late tonight." I say winking to Mrs. Weasley.

On our walk to my car, I wrap my arms around Fred to give him a side hug. He reached one of his long lanky arms around me.

"We'll have fun. I promise." Fred shakes his head. I start the car and start our long trek to London. I play some wizard music on a wizarding only channel. Fred doesn't like it when I play Muggle radio.

Muggle music and books are the few things I've held onto since retreating from the Muggle World. It's not my fault if I really got attached to the Beatles and Whitney Houston. Not as much as I love F. Scott Fitzgerald, but you know....

One Proud Lion - A Fred Weasley FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now