At one in the morning, some of the kids were starting to say their goodbyes - needing to get home and sleep off the buzz. They had fun, but they didn't want to be too hungover for school that day. "I should probably get going too." Darry admitted after he nearly knocked over an expensive vase from his drunk stumbling.

"Awh come on Dar. One more beer."

"Sorry man. My old man gets up in a few hours for work. So I gotta get going."

"Alright, here. Take this for the road," he threw a can of beer at Darry - who caught it easily. "See you at school tomorrow. That is, if you can handle the hangover."

"I'll down some Tylenol and be fine. It's you who should be worrying. Last time you spent half the day throwing up in the school bathroom."

Darry ended up spending the next fifteen minutes searching for his dad's keys though. Somehow he'd lost them inside a bowl of chips. When he finally left, he drove almost twenty miles under the speed limit the entire way home. His vision was blurry and he kept swerving, unable to see straight.

"Fuck," he cussed as he pulled into his yard just after two o'clock. It took well over forty-five minutes to drive the usual twenty minute ride because of his slow driving and swerving.

He opened the door and nearly fell out and onto his face. He felt drunker than when he had left Paul's - and he thanked God he hadn't drank the beer he'd been given yet or he probably would've fell. He slammed the truck door, "shhh." He told the inanimate item and then patted the hood as if it had listened to him. He was struggling to walk up the porch steps, clutching keys in one hand and his unopened beer in the other. Darry also didn't realize how loud he was being as he opened the front door and staggered inside.

"What the hell is all that noise?" Mr. Curtis' voice was thick with disturbed sleep as he came out of the bedroom. He was wide awake however, upon seeing his son staggering around the dark living room. "Darryl Curtis, what the hell are you doing?"

"Awh fuck." He cussed when his dad turned the light on, causing his head to spin.

"Excuse me?" He gave his son a good look over and then his face hardened. "Where have you been? And what have you been doing?"

"Nothing." He tried to say, but it came out as 'nuffin'.

"It is after two in the morning, you're stumbling around the house fully dressed. Don't try to lie to me boy."

"Oh shit," he said what his brain was thinking. Because being called 'boy' meant he was about to get murdered. "I was uhh -" he looked down at his hands, he definitely could not lie.

"If you don't answer me this second you're gonna be in even more trouble than you're about to be."

"I was at Paul's," he slurred the words out.

"You were at Paul's? At two in the morning?"


His dad's eyes lowered to Darry's hand and was not to thrilled at what he saw. "Darryl Shaynne Curtis Junior. You have a lot of explaining to do. And you better do it fast."

The use of his entire name had the teenager panicking. "I wasn't drinking and driving daddy. Swear!"

"But you are drunk. At the two in the morning on a school night, with my keys in your hand which means you stole my truck, and I'm assuming Paul was throwing that party you wanted to go to? Am I right? Or did I leave anything out?" His voice was growing harder, but it never rose above it's normal level. At least not until Darry didn't answer him, "answer me!" It still wasn't even yelling, but he rose his voice just enough to make Darry jump.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 01, 2021 ⏰

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