"That's just fine man. Party is gonna be going on for hours."

"Darry, come help your mother bring the groceries in!" It was his dad who called from the living room.

"Yes sir! Gotta go Paul."

"See ya tonight Dar."

"See ya," he hung up the phone and made his way outside to the car where his mother was opening the backseat that held a couple of brown bags filled with groceries. "I got it mama," he raced down the steps and to the car. He reached into the backseat and grabbed both of the bags into his arms.

"My strong boy," she had to stand on her toes to give her oldest son a kiss on his cheek. Darry was already over six feet tall, and Mrs. Curtis was only five foot three. "Just put them on the kitchen table and I'll put them away."

"Yes ma'am." He followed his mother up the steps, thanking her when she held the door for him and then took the bags to the table like she had asked.  After he did that, he went to his and Soda's room to finish his homework and make his escape plan.

He figured it should be easy enough to get out of the house undetected. His parents would be in bed and asleep by ten thirty. They usually went to bed around nine thirty - after Ponyboy and Soda had been put to bed. Darry was expected to go to bed by eleven, and was trusted to obey that rule. He'd sneak out the back door (front door was too close to his parents' bedroom) and go back around front where he'd put the truck in neutral and push it away from the house a little. Enough that even if the sound of it roaring to life stirred his parents, they'd assume it was a neighbor.

"Dinner's ready," Soda stuck his head into their room seemingly out of no where, pulling Darry from his thoughts.

"Coming." Darry put his books away and went to the bathroom to wash up (even if he hadn't done anything to get dirty, his mom always made them wash their hands and face before sitting at the table).

Darry was fidgety during dinner, mentally counting down the minutes until he could put his plan into action. It was bad enough, that even Ponyboy noticed and asked if he was okay. The oldest child made up some lie about being nervous for a test at school.

He spent the rest of the evening helping his brothers with their homework and then playing catch with them outside. Keeping busy helped pass the time. Finally, his parents went to bed and he just had to wait one more hour to make sure they were asleep.

At exactly ten thirty, he grabbed his dad's keys and slipped out the back door just as planned. Slowly closing the door as not to make any noise. He hopped the fence to the front yard and went right to the desired vehicle. He opened the door of the truck where he threw the gear shift into neutral before going around the back of it and pushing with a grunt. He was strong, but it took a good bit of pushing to get the truck into what he deemed as a safe distance.

Finally, he was driving towards the west side of town towards his pal's house. When he arrived, he knocked on the door and Paul answered with a beer in hand and grin on his face. "Thought you'd never show." He pushed the beer into Darry's hand, "come on in."

Darry cracked the beer open and took a big swig, following his friend inside. He liked to come to parties and have a good time, but he wasn't much of a drinker. If he had to chose, he wouldn't drink at all at a party - he was proud of his health and his strong physique and he had no desire to damage it. It's why he never smoked like his friends did, but drinking was a part of the party scene. So if someone offered him a beer, he'd take it. 

He spent hours like this, chatting with kids from his school, dancing with girls, and drinking. Darry was a rare greaser, one that the Socs invited to parties and talked to at school. He was a football star and charismatic, nearly everyone liked him.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 01, 2021 ⏰

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