Curiosity killed the cat

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Youth, a term commonly used by people. If you ask someone for the definition of this word, they will simply answer something like this.

It is the golden age of young people, in which they live their life to the fullest and take advantage of every moment to enjoy it to the fullest.

This definition is nothing more than a vile lie.

I'm not saying it because I had a bad experience or anything like that, but I have a friend who in middle school decided to declare his love to a girl, after all she showed signs of being interested in him, she greeted him every time he passed. He needed something besides exchanging emails, however every time he texted her she was busy or fell asleep so it was totally understandable that she couldn't reply to him.

What happened next is obvious, he was rejected and if this was not enough everyone in the school found out about this, then the teasing and insults began. He was always harassed and insulted, but after that confession, everything got drastically worse and he just kept isolating himself from everyone.

I mean, my friend had to be alone and face very difficult things. Not that it was me or anything like that, well, where was I? So.

He thought that in high school everything would be different, too bad since a dog and a car destroyed his illusions, sealing his first year as a loner.

Although if you asked me if he could avoid that accident, would he? Although it sounds strange, my answer is no, after all, it was thanks to that accident that I was able to meet her.

Don't think that after I was run over, a beautiful girl got out of the vehicle and comforted me, and made sure I was okay. It would have been a cliché for that to happen, sadly I was only 2 weeks in the hospital. But you could say that this time was our first meeting, although it would be a long time for me to find out.

Everything went well until my second year. Yes, I'll stop saying it's a friend's story after everything that follows is too personal for someone to tell me.

On the orders of a nosy teacher I ended up in a club called the service club, made up only of Yukinoshita Yukino, the most beautiful girl I have ever seen, after all, I boast of being a good observer, as far as I can say with certainty that she was the most beautiful girl in Sobu High.

She was sitting quietly reading a little book with a cat cover, while she was looking at her, she just ignored me and called our sensei's attention to her manners.

I was left as an experiment in the club with the purpose of changing my rotten personality, something that I am sure has nothing wrong ; after all my personality adjusts to how society treats me.

During my time at the service club, many things happened, I got to know more deeply people with whom I never thought to relate and discovered something that I always longed for, but was not sure about that, after all, I was against it. But, that, was something genuine.

I can say I had it in my hands, but I didn't have the courage to pursue it. Now that I remember it, I still don't understand why I didn't run after her at that moment, perhaps the fear of being rejected or the doubt that I would tell her when I stopped her. Who am I kidding, I knew exactly what she meant, but at the last moment I regretted it, asking her to be with me for the rest of my life was too selfish of me.

I don't gain anything by remembering those moments, after all, 60 years have passed since that happened.


Nothing better than using one of my 108 skills, monologue, so far I am proud of it.

Lying in a bed most of the time becomes boring, in my youth this would have been a dream, now it is somewhat tedious. Over the years my body was losing strength to the point that it is difficult for me to stand up, if it weren't for the employee I hired, I suppose I would already be dead.

The regret of a lonerWhere stories live. Discover now