Best quotes

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Glow stick has to break before it glows.

They don't see your accomplishments but they always see your mistakes.

People keep telling me "life goes on" but to me that's the worst part.

You smile, but you wanna cry
You talk, but you wanna be quiet
You smile, because you wanna be happy.

Sometimes it's better to be alone, no one can hurt you.

Too often the only escape is sleep.

What if the only way to feel better, is to stop feeling at all.

Depression is like being colour blind everyone tells you how beautiful the world is but you just can't see it.

The worst feeling is when your talking and ur about to cry and you just hope your voice isn't showing it.

I think I might be on my final chapter.

I don't sleep with the door open I don't cry as loud as I can do my parents hear I don't even sprint up the stairs after turning the light off... that is when you know shits hurt me.

The feeling when you know you and your best friend is slowly drifting apart.

When you know they are happier without you but your sadder without them.

Congrats you have hurt the guy who never wanted you for your body and now he's destroying his.

I love to pain but theirs a twist the canvas in my arm and the paintbrush is my blade.

I have been at my lowest for weeks now but I still make sure everyone else is okay before I even start to think about myself.

My heart needs to except what my mind already knows.

"You only care about your phone" well I'm sorry my phone has been the only thing that has been their for me for the past few months.

U think I give a fuck what you think about me?my own family talks down about me.

I don't blame anyone for leaving me. I mean look at me. I wanna leave me too.

Be careful salt and sugar look the same.

After rain their comes a rainbow... sometimes.

Sometimes trusting someone again is like giving them another bullet for their gun because they missed the first time.

There's no chicken nuggets in the freezer. 😕😕😕😕

[this is part one I will post another part when I feel like it I hope you enjoyed]

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 11, 2021 ⏰

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