Chapter 18: Counter-strike

Start from the beginning

It was late morning. Mira was at the acceptance of the ER, making sure that the triage was being done right by the paramedics sent by the Federation, since they only had a rough idea of the biology of this galaxy who wasn't human.

That was until she saw two familiar faces in the waiting room: Hera and Sabine. The former didn't seem to look all that well.

She motioned them to get near the counter and they obliged, with Sabine giving a small support to Hera, who was massaging her head with the other hand.

"Hello ladies," Mira greeted them. "what happened?"

Hera groaned a bit. "It's a couple of days I've been feeling tired...uh...and I sometimes feel like I want to yell out of nowhere..."

Hera listed another couple of symptoms which rose a suspicion in Mira's head.

"All right, get through the door." she instructed them, pointing at the door on her right. She touched a human female nurse's shoulder as she started to walk out of the room.

"Urma, I'm taking those two."

"Yes, doctor." the young woman replied as she kept typing data on the holo-terminal.

Mira went out and welcomed the two women, then escorted them into an office for some preliminary exams.

She invited Hera to sit on the medical bed while Sabine waited on the side of the room.

"How's it going at the tower?" Mira asked to ease the tension.

"Ezra and Jaral seem adamant to have a house built around it." Sabine said with a smirk. "But they understand that there are more important things."

Mira giggled as she prepared the scanner on her omni-tool. "I think Jordan told me something about joint exercises between the two fleets?"

"Yeah, and we are supposed to join them too." Hera said a bit weakly. "So find whatever is wrong with me, doc, quickly." and then groaned as her head lowered a bit.

"Yes, General." Mira said with a quip.

She finished the preparations and got near Hera.

"I need you to remove your jacket, please."

Hera compelled and was left only with a black shirt on her upper body, only then Mira activated the scanner that was specifically set for making a sonogram.

It took around 10 seconds, then Mira could analyze the results.

And she chuckled as her suspicions were confirmed.

"What's so funny?" Hera asked mildly annoyed.

"Ok...Sabine, you might want to be ready to grab her." Mira quipped.

The mandalorian girl looked a bit confused.

Mira kept her arm bent so that she could look at the results of the omni-tool. After checking them again, she had no doubts.

"Hera..." she started with a smile. "you're pregnant."

Both Hera and Sabine barred her eyes, not sure if they wanted to believe their ears.

"Come again?" Hera managed to ask.

"Your symptoms were pretty familiar to me, so I took a scan and...well, there's an embryo growing in your belly."

Sabine's open jaw twisted a bit to become a surprised smile as she looked at Hera with trepidation. The Twi'lek, on her part, was still a bit stunned and she passed a hand on her stomach, lifting the shirt to feel it better.

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