Chapter 13: Let the game begin

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When she finally looked at me, her beautiful brown eyes were swollen and sore.

This was my first time witnessing noona being so heartbroken and it made me recall what JB hyung had instructed me before I left with them to LA.

"Yugyeom-a, watch over Wendy-ssi when in LA. Bu-tak habnida", he told me.

Had he saw this coming?



After making sure that Mark had fallen asleep, I took the chance to creep towards the door. Somehow, I wasn't feeling safe of leaving Wendy alone there to cope on her own.

I was the one at fault.

I should have told the truth but I didn't have the guts to.

I was afraid of losing Jessica as a long time friend such that I had chosen to sacrifice my brother's relationship.

I clearly knew that after this, Mark wouldn't forgive her easily, but I still chose to do so.

I opened the door slightly and studied the lonely figure who was being brought into the arms of Yugyeom.

Fortunately, she still have a friend here to rely on.

Sorry Wendy, I'm really sorry...



When I woke up the next morning, I realized that I was already brought back into my room.

It must be Yugyeom.

Squinting on one eye, I checked the time on my phone and realized that it was 6am.

My head was throbbing badly from all the crying and uncontrolled emotions previously. I have yet to forget those hurtful looks Mark had given me and it triggered my tears once more.

However, no matter what, I have to put up with it, all the way until the week ends. Hopefully by then, I will be able to come clean with him once we head back to JYPE's rooftop.

Slowly and gently, I opened the door and let myself out. From the second level, I saw that most of them were already seated at the dining table, tucking in to their breakfast.

It seems like although there was a dispute just a few hours back, the Tuan family had shown no intention in dismissing the idea of going mountain climbing today.

I sighed at the situation.

I will just try my best to face them and turn down the offer then. They wouldn't enjoy my presence anyway.

After I washed up and headed downstairs, I walked to Mama Tuan first.

"Good morning", I managed a smile and greeted her.

"Oh you are up early too Wendy?"

Fortunately, she didn't mention a thing about the dispute.

"Are you going mountain climbing with them later?", it was now Papa Tuan who asked.

"Erm... About that-"

"Don't force her if she doesn't want to. I don't want more matters to surface", Mark, who was sitting across the table commented sharply.

He just had the power to rub salt onto my already painful heart. Despite so, hearing those words of his only made me change my decision.

"Ani, I'm going to give it a go", I snapped back at him.

The Mediator 2 (GOT7 MARK feat. BTS FANFIC)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt