"Well as always, it's fun, we're all very very loud that aunt Jennie gave up on telling us to be quiet and just lets us, yes that's how behave I am, and actually we are currently on  your grandparents house, we drove earlier before it started raining," Winter answered that got a chuckle from her dad after hearing the part about them all being loud and his sister giving up on them.

"But how are you there dad? It's raining really hard right now, are you okay?" Winter asked worry now filling her voice.

Chaeyoung smiled at the genuine question of his daughter before he released a loud series of sneezing.

"Are you sick dad? Do you want us to go back and take care of you?" Winter asked again then heard another sneeze come from her dad.

"No, no need to go back Win, just enjoy there with them, okay? I'm alright here I can manage," Chaeyoung said assuring the girl as he smiled even though she wouldn't be able to see it.

On the other hand, Mina was about to go inside Chaeyoung's room but when she heard him talking to someone on his phone she stopped from entering further and decided to stay outside and wait.

She knows that eavesdropping is bad but, she was curious to who the racer was talking to, leaning into the door a little more, she heard some of their conversation and got more curious when she heard Chaeyoung laughing.

But every curiosity went away when she heard the guy saying goodbye and mentioning his daughter's name.

She doesn't know why but she felt relieved knowing that it was just Winter and no one else.

After regaining her composure back she entered the room without even knocking that surprised Chaeyoung who jolted up his bed when the door swing open.

"M-mina..?" He mumbled under his breath surprised to see his ex-lover inside his room holding a tray with a bowl of soup, fruits, a glass of water and some medicine.

"Good that you're awake, you have to eat and drink your meds now," Mina nonchalantly said as she sets the tray down on the small table without even looking at Chaeyoung who was obviously staring at her.

Feeling his staring, Mina lifted her head and raised an eyebrow up as she looked at Chaeyoung. The guys mouth was hung agape as he stares.

"Is there something on my face?" Mina asked standing up straight as she feels her cheeks checking if there was something on her face.

Feeling that there was nothing she looked at Chaeyoung again and saw him still staring at her, and somehow, his stare made her feel conscious, shy and flustered all of a sudden, she felt little under his gaze.

"W-what are you staring at?" Mina asked feeling her cheeks go warm all of a sudden after hearing the guy on the bed release a giggle.

"I was just surprised to see you here," Chaeyoung said with a small smile on his lips.

"But...what are you doing here? H-how did I get here last night?" He asked looking around his familiar room.

Mina on the side, took the bowl and the spoon before walking towards the bed and sat in front of Chaeyoung while blowing on the soup.

"Momo called me last night, you guys were drunk," She started stirring the soup attempting to get the right hotness before feeding it to the guy.

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