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Author Note:

Thank you... Thank you very much for being patient with me. You guys are awesome. Seriously, thank you...

Disclaimer: All characters in Naruto and Boruto series belong to Masashi Kishimoto and Ukyo Kodachi respectively.

This chapter is not beta'd. Apology in advance for any grammatical mistake.



"What?! This is my tenth lap! I am tired, my legs are killing me 'ttebasa!"

Sasuke looked at him uninterested.

"If you can complain, then you are not tired enough. Another lap. Go."

Boruto gritted his teeth before he slowly stood up and began to jog another lap. As soon as Aunt Sakura cleared him for training, Sasuke-san immediately called him to the training ground and began the hellish physical trainings. Yesterday he can't even lifted his arms after he was done with the push-ups like a madman, he lose count after a thousand something. Sasuke-san said these exercises would help him to build up back his muscles and stamina after recovered from injury, but this was actually a disguised punishment, not that he complained about being punished. He knew what he did was wrong, so he deserved to be punished despite his help in the fight at the other dimension, though he would prefer that his limbs not to be reduced to an exhausted jelly each time the exercise ended. It was embarrassing to be carried home like a sack of rice.

The young genin grimaced as he felt his legs burning again from the exercise, yet he pushed himself to continue. He wonder if his father was the one who proposed this hellish punishment, or he just left it for Sasuke-san to decide. Ever since he was discharged three days ago, Boruto didn't really speak to him. Despite being released from the hospital, the older Uzumaki was still recovering and aside from the occasional visit from Shikamaru, he was spending his time with much needed rest. Boruto knew that Sasuke-san went to spoke with his father about his cheating, he did overheard Shikadai's father said the other kages wanted to speak to his father about his disgraceful action in the exam.

He finally finished his lap as the sun began to rise and abruptly collapsed on the ground as soon as he reached the check point at the training ground. Sasuke asked (more like ordered actually) to begin his training (punishment) early today (it still dark when he left the house) to avoid crowds at the streets. Now he know why. His training involved in running laps around the village!

Boruto groaned as his legs twitched in pain. He doubted that he can stand let alone walked home. He knew he was wrong, he already apologized to Sasuke and hoping this exercise was the last of his punishment.

Sasuke looked at his panting student for a few minutes before he spoke, "That's all for today. Meet me at the training ground tomorrow morning."

Boruto groaned before he closed his eyes dejectedly.

"Isn't this enough? You already punished me for three days straight... I know I was wrong, I already apologized 'ttebasa..."

"Really? It seems to me that you haven't."

"I already apologized to everyone! How many times I have to apologize until you satisfy that I am really sorry 'ttebasa?!"

"You still don't apologize to Naruto."

Boruto groaned, why everyone kept saying that? He already talked to his dad. His dad didn't even say anything, so why he need to apologize? He didn't get it.

"We did talk at the other dimension. Isn't that enough? Dad doesn't say anything about it afterwards, he doesn't even scold me."

"Sometimes words can be more lethal than fists, it can either change a person for better or worse. He endured worse, but coming from his own flesh and blood is far much worse than from a stranger."

Boruto The Next Generation: Aftermath Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum