He drove to Jungwon's house smoothly. He usually drove well, but he really wanted Jungwon to feel he was safe in his car, so he had been more careful that usual.
"Let's go!" said Jungwon, getting out of the car.
Jay followed him to the door.
"Is it okay if I come in?" he asked.
"Why do you even ask?" replied Jungwon without noticing how freely he had spoken.
Jay nodded and followed the young man into his home.
They got upstairs and Jungwon asked him to wait in his bedroom while he took a quick shower.

Jay looked around the room. It was a pretty classic room. Bed, desk, some clothes of the chair, a skateboard on the wall.
There also was a shelf with several objects. On top of it, a lot of trophies were exposed. Bellow them, he found a cd player with a few albums, a rubik's cube, two weirdly shaped rocks, and some books.
Jay turned around and decided to check the desk. He saw notebooks, a pencil case, a computer. As he turned his head, he noticed something he hadn't seen before.
Next to the bed, there was a nightstand, with a letter on it. Jay immediately recognized his handwriting.
He keeps it on his nightstand!

The door opened and Jungwon entered his bedroom. He was dressed in the clothes Jay had gifted him.
"Is it okay if I wear this?" he asked smiling.
"You look very handsome in my clothes you know?" said Jay, taking mental pictures of Jungwon with wet hair.
Jungwon laughed at the compliment and went out again. Jay heard the familiar sound of hairdryer and sat down. They would soon be out.


"What is it?" asked Jungwon.
"I think the place is closed" said Jay. He was frowning, trying to figure out wether the curry restaurant was opened or not.
"Let's check it then" replied Jungwon. "The website said it's open"
They both got out of the car and walked towards the restaurant. It was indeed closed tonight. 
"That's weird" said Jungwon, disappointed.
"Maybe we could order something else and eat at my place?" suggested Jay.
"I'd be okay with it" answered dimple boy.
They turned back to the car and noticed at the same time that something was wrong with it. The left side of the car was titled, and the front tire was empty.
"How did that happen?" said Jay, confused. "We were in the car not two minutes ago!"
"I don't understand either" said Jungwon, puzzled.

Jay wanted to call the car repairer but he seemed to have no battery left on his phone. Jungwon offered his own, but soon realized he hadn't brought it with him.

What a terrible date. Jungwon must be so annoyed by all this... the restaurant is closed, the car is broken and now this? What were the odds..

Jungwon noticed a change in Jay's expression and got closer to him. He put a hand on the designer's shoulder to comfort him.
"It's okay, you'll get it repaired tomorrow!" he said, trying to sound enthusiastic.
"I'm not worried about the car, I'm worried about our evening" he said in a low voice.
"Well, maybe we can still go to your apartment? We can also pick food on our way there" suggested Jungwon.
"Well I'd say we have to walk for fifteen minutes from here, would it be okay for you?" asked Jay.
Jungwon nodded.

They started walking and they passed through several restaurants but none of them appealed the two men.
"I know a place that makes a good chap chae near my apartment if you want" suggested Jay.
Jungwon opened his eyes widely and started walking faster.
"Oh yes Chap chae!" he cheered.


They finally arrived at Jay's. They sat down and started eating their noodles.
"It's crazy how much has happened since that photo shoot isn't it?" said Jungwon.
"I know right" continued Jay.
"I'm very curious about something, can I ask you about it?" said Jungwon.
Jay almost chocked on his noodles, thinking about how straightforward he had been with the young man, and how embarrassed he was about it.
"Sure, you can ask me anything" he replied nonetheless.
"What made you choose Jeongkook and me for the photo shoot?" asked Jungwon, looking into Jay's eyes.
"Well, I received several pictures from different sport clubs and I liked you the most, so I picked you" he said blushing.
"I see. Well, I loved the experience" continued Jungwon. "Thank you for offering me this opportunity."
"You don't have to thank me, you did a wonderful job" replied Jay. "I was impressed by you."
This time, it was Jungwon who chocked. Jay noticed and patted him on his back.

The evening went on and they continued speaking about movies, books, travels, everything. They had moved to the couch and Jay had put on some music to set a cozy mood.
He saw that Jungwon wanted to keep talking, but he had difficulty keeping his eyes opened.
"Won, do you want me to take you home? You are tired" he said.
"Do I have to go?" asked Jungwon in the middle of a yawn.
"You can stay here if you like, but you should let your mother know. I don't want her to worry about you" said Jay softly.
Jungwon nodded and borrowed Jay's phone. As soon as he sent the message, he laid his head on Jay's lap. Jay got surprised at first, but he really enjoyed how Jungwon trusted him.
He passed his fingers through Jungwon's hair. They were so soft.
"You know Jay, I've been thinking about you a lot these days" whispered Jungwon in a sleepy voice.
"Really? It's funny because I've done the same" whispered Jay.
Jungwon was already asleep. Jay smiled and continued caressing Jungwon's hair.
After a while he got up and carried the sleepy boy to his own bed and tucked him in. He kissed his forehead and laid down on the couch.
He fell asleep with a smile on his face.

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