Chapter 1: Kudou Yusaku's Cold Case

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"Good morning, Subaru-san!" said Arina who was preparing breakfast, as Subaru walked into the kitchen.

'Wah, Subaru-san is handsome as ever this morning! I'm so lucky to have him as my bodyguard,'  she thought with a smile.

"Good morning, Arina-san," Subaru grinned. 

"Today's breakfast is pancakes, I hope you like them," she said to him as she scooped the final pancake off the pan, and placed it on top of the pancake tower which was now five pancakes high.

"Thank you as always for making breakfast. I already stay at your house for free, and you cook, clean, and do the laundry," said Subaru as he took a seat at the dining table.

"Oh it's nothing, cooking is one of my main hobbies, so I really enjoy it, and cleaning and laundry are like training for me! I have a ton of free time anyway since my classes are online, and I skip them anyway," said Arina, placing the plate of pancakes on the table, then taking a seat across Subaru.

"Is it really alright for you to skip your classes, Arina-san?" asked Subaru, adding syrup to his pancake.

"Well I am a professional actress already, so my future is pretty much already secured. Though I don't plan on being an actress forever," said Arina. She then stood up to pour coffee into Subaru's mug.

'It's really fun to cook for someone, I almost feel like a housewife! Well Subaru-san is undercover here since his life is in danger, so the situation is quite serious though,' thought Arina.

"Oh yeah, I'll be leaving after breakfast. I have an interview at Nichiuri TV for my first role in a Japanese drama!"

"No wonder, I thought you looked a bit more dressed up today. It's cute," said Subaru.

"Thanks Subaru-san! This is one of my favorite dresses, it's actually a present from my brother," she said with a big smile. She very much appreciated the compliment.

"I see, your mysterious twin brother, Kudou Shinichi-kun. This is his house, yet I've never seen him. His little sister has come to Japan for the first time in years, yet he's nowhere to be seen," said Subaru.

"Onii-chan said that he's stuck on a big case right now," said Arina, laughing nervously. "H-he said he'll come home as soon as he solves everything!"

"Ho," said Subaru inquisitively as Arina sweatdropped.

After Arina finished her breakfast and cleaned up, she left the house, and headed to Nichiuri TV for her interview, with a hat and shades to disguise herself, of course.

"Arina-chan, you're Japan's pride in the acting scene, yet you've never once acted in a Japanese drama. The whole country is excited for your new role! Now, can you tell us about this new drama and the role you will be playing?" asked the interviewer.

"The drama is called Case Closed, and I play the younger sister of a detective who is the main character. Based on the script, the show seems to be like a slice of life in a country with a two-hundred percent crime rate!" replied Arina.

Late in the afternoon, Arina returned home after the interview, exhausted. She washed off her makeup, showered, then changed into a comfortable frilly lounge dress, and let her long silky hair out of its updo.

After freshening up, she decided to go to the kitchen for a snack, but on her way, she heard voices.

"...that photograph specifically?"

'Huh, it looks like there's someone in the kitchen. Did Subaru-san invite someone over? Oh wait isn't he undercover?' Arina thought, as she made her way into the kitchen.

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