You've Got To Be Kidding Me

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Author's Note: This chapter is actually based on something that happened to me. lol


Chapter two:

 Liam shoved his hands farther down into his pockets as he eyed the kids playing on the playground with an almost critical eye.

 "Aren't they adorable?" Teddy asked with a big smile on his face.

 "Adorable my ass." Liam muttered under his breath and was surprised to feel Teddy's hand smack him across the shoulder.

 The two boys shared a hard look before turning their attention back to the children.

 Liam sighed heavily as he pondered why the hell Teddy had agreed to watching these two rascals in the first place. He hadn't meant to draw any attention to himself because of his sigh but felt a lingering pair of eyes travel across the planes of his face.

 "What's wrong with you today? You're not being yourself."

 Liam turned so that he could look Teddy straight in the eyes. "Well today didn't exactly go as planned..."

 Teddy snickered and wrapped his arms around his boyfriend's waist. "Is someone jealous?"

 Liam automatically pulled Teddy closer to him and buried his face in the soft black hair that smelled faintly of strawberries. The smell was intoxicating to say the least. He started to tell Teddy everything, about how betrayed he had felt this morning upon learning that their long anticipated date was going to have to be postponed until a farther time because of those kids. Teddy's reaction wasn't anywhere near what Liam had been expecting. He felt his boyfriend's chest rising and falling rapidly which could only indicate built in laughter. Furious and rather hurt Liam pulled himself away was turned to head back to the car.

 "No! Liam I wasn't laughing at you; it's just that I've never seen you act this way before!" Teddy exclaimed while taking a firm grip on Liam's hand.

 "Like what exactly?" Liam snapped as he tried not to look over at Teddy's giant blue eyes.

 "Well you're usually not so clingy."

 Liam pulled his hand away in disgust. "I am not being clingy. I was just expecting more from today then babysitting some rotten kids. Is that so fucking bad?"

 "They're not rotten Liam." Teddy said as he thrust out his jaw in a sure sign of his anger and stubbornness, "They're really sweet. But I wouldn't expect you to notice that. Your head's way to far up your ass to notice anything!"

 Liam thought of several smartass remarks to Teddy's conclusion but he quickly swallowed them down. It wasn't worth it he decided at last. If Teddy wanted to waste his day babysitting then that was his choice. Liam could walk away now and leave them be, but he knew himself too well. He wouldn't leave. He loved Teddy way too much for that.

 "Whatever. Let's just watch these kids okay?" Liam said before turning his attention away from his angry boyfriend. His eyes swept over the small jungle gym and swing set only to see something that stopped his heart cold. Well he didn't exactly see anything. That was the problem. "Teddy. Where are the kids?"

 Liam's words seemed to snap Teddy from whatever he was thinking about as his head snapped toward the playground. Liam's dark brown eyebrows knotted above his panicked brown eyes as he watched Teddy's eyes widen with the same sort of panic. They had actually lost the kids. Oops.

 "What happened to them? My god it's not going to be easy to get out of this mess." Liam spoke through his teeth.

 "Don't worry we'll find them. They couldn't have gotten far." Teddy said in his usual positive manner.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 15, 2011 ⏰

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