Just Who Are You?

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"Madam Mo!"

She turn to look at the leader of the group.

"He is the reason why my son is in this state. Why are you stopping me?"

She turn to look at Mo Xuanyu(WWX)while still holding the wooden figurine in her hand.

"Why are you blaming me for your son transformation?"

The Junior still stop Madam Mo from hurting Mo Xuanyu (WWX) any further.

"Madam Mo, Mo gongzi has been possessed by something evil. This Mo gongzi didn't do anything to your son," he glanced at Mo Xuanyu(WWX )before turning back to look at Madam Mo.

"How could you say that? Did you know that this lunatic father is a immortal cultivator. He already learn many evil skill ever since he came back from his study!"

The junior looked at Mo Xuanyu(WWX )with a rather sorry expression on his face. Mo Xuanyu(WWX) just look away from Madam Mo.

"Madam Mo, you need evidence for that."

"Evidence? My son body end up like this, isn't that enough evidence for you?!" She turn to look at her son, then back to Mo Xuanyu(WWX).

"This lunatic said that if Ziyuan touch his thing, he will break off his right hand. Our ziyuan didn't even steal anything from him. Not only did he embarrass my son, he made Ziyuan become like this."

That is when thing start to become very wrong, they all heard Mo Ziyuan screaming very loud.

Mo Xuanyu(WWX )and the Junior leader walk over to look at Mo Ziyuan. Mo Xuanyu(WWX )have this urge to do something. He move his hand to the back of Mo Ziyuan, he write a talisman in the back while the Junior write another talisman in the front of Mo Ziyuan. The two of them send the talisman into Mo Ziyuan body. He stop screaming and moving his body.

Mo Xuanyu (WWX) patted the front of Mo Ziyuan chest, he found a flag inside of his clothes.

Mo Xuanyu(WWX) look down at this arm, 'one of the wound is gone, then does that mean?' He look back at Mo Ziyuan, 'he dead.'

"This is what you get, stealing other people thing when they tell you not too. No wonder you got possessed by an evil spirit."

Madam Mo went to her son, she try to call out to Mo Ziyuan, there is no answer coming from him. She turn around to face the leader of the group, "what did you do to him?"

"Madam Mo, don't worry. He just only in a coma right now."

She start to blame the disciple of Gusu Lan Sect for not even protecting a child like her son from evil.

Mo Xuanyu(WWX) watch as the junior of Gusu getting call useless creature from Madam Mo for not doing their job right.

'Truly, I know how righteous this Lan disciple are, how come they don't stand up for themselves or talk back to her. I might as well do it for them,' "I spit on you. Why are you treating them like your slave. They came here to help you to eliminate evil spirit and you can't even tell the difference between the right from wrong. Let me ask you this about your son."

Mo Xuanyu(WWX) turn to look at a coma Mo Ziyuan, "shouldn't he be at least twenty year old by now, am I right? He still didn't understand, that when someone tell him more then once last night, not to touch anything and not to go to the West courtyard. Look at him now. Is his own fault for sneaking out and got himself into trouble. Blame your son instead. Why are you blaming me?"

Madam Mo is take aback by what Mo Xuanyu(WWX) just said. Thing is starting to become rather bad in the Mo family member, first is her son and now is the father. When the two of the guy servants take the father away, there is a scream coming from the outside of the room.

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