Our First Battle Comes to a Climax!

Start from the beginning

The Type 89 took a shot at the Sherman, but missed.


Miho: "The Type 89 is here. Lock in attack position. However, I want Rabbit, Bat and Hippo to protect Turtle."

The IV started driving to shooting position.


Alisa saw the Ooarai tanks. 

Alisa: "STOP!" 

The tank stopped in the nick of time to dodge the IV's shot.


Kay: "Hold up. That doesn't match what you told us earlier. What happened."

Alisa: "Well... I think... they must've realised we were intercepting their..."

Kay: "YOU FOOL!"

Alisa: "I'm sorry..."

Kay: "Haven't I always told you to always fight fair Alisa? Anyway. Get the heck out of there. Hurry up."

Alisa: "Yes ma'am!"

Kay: "It'd be unfair for all of us to attack them when we were intercepting their comms. I guess we'll hit them with equal numbers! There's six of them. I want only four tanks to follow me. Naomi, you're up."


Orange Pekoe: "I never though things would turn out like this."

Darjeeling: "Almost like a game of hide and seek."


Ami laughed.

Ami: "This is a new one! I've never seen a game of tag like this!"


Alisa: "This tough Sherman isn't going to go down. Fifty thousand of these things were built. Countries couldn't stop buy them. They were built strong, never broke down, and not to mention, they're really comfortable! The controls are so simple an idiot could drive this thing!"

Tank commander 1: "If I can speak freely here, your words aren't really very reassuring at the moment!"

Alisa: "Shut up!"

The tanks of  Ooarai are chasing the Sherman.


Erika: "You could say this was unexpected, couldn't you!"


The Sherman was getting bombarded by tanks. 

Polina: "Can't we just ram the Sherman? We'll take it out with shells as well!"

Y/N: "I would if I could. Unfortunately, my order was to stay at the back and protect Turtle team."


Alisa: "Why are those run down tanks driving us off! Aim to the right! Our school is on a different level than yours! FIRE!"

Bam! It missed. 

Alisa: "What the hell? Their tanks are so small, we can't even hit them! They'll go down with one shot if we could hit them! Course correction, right. Three degrees! Hurry up with the loading! Who the hell do they think they are! They can't do squat and they're trying to come after us? Their school's getting shut down soon anyway! They should just come in and shut them down now!"

Alisa then opens the hatch and shouts something.

Hana: "It appears she's shouting something as they're running away."

Miho: "We're closing in on our target. In sixty seconds, we'll resume out attack. All tanks can fire at will. Mako, there's a slope forward. Use that as a short cut to get closer to our target."

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