Chapter Nine: Hellscape

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'Is that so?' the voice prompted, before laughing right next to him. If he had ears, it would have been right next to them. 'Then tell me how you failed your brother? Were you capable, then?'

The brave cookie almost stopped in his tracks, but he kept going. He can't let himself get distracted. If he stopped running, he got a feeling of impending doom, or something that could be similar to it.

His brother...

He did fail his brother...

That is WHY he can't fail anyone else.

'Oh Gingerbrave... you sweet, pathetic little fool.' the voice chimed in again, as if it could either read, or smell his thougths. 'You are going to honor your brothers memory, by making empty promises to not faila anyone else? Don't you think that is a little... oh you know... redundant?' the voice continued, while Gingerbrave had to duck down- whatever invisible forces were chasing him were still persuing him.

"Ah!" he ducked down, feeling the sensation he had to- which was a good sign, as something went flying past him fast enough to make what bit of hair he had move due to the flow of air.

He started to run again, turning to the left- the voice laughing at the mayhem that it surely was a part of.

He was tired. He wanted to stop.

He felt like his legs were going to collapse under him, because it was so hot.

Suddenly, it was getting harder and harder to breathe again. It felt as if there were flames on him, consuming him. Eating him alive.

He tried to keep running, but he had started to somewhat sweat, and it lead him to a coughing fit as any conscious air he could process got thin.

He wouldn't stop.

"C-Come on. Keep-keep moving. Can't-t-t stay still. They'll ge-et me-e." he haorsely whispers under his breath, before starting to crawl forward again. He moved so slowly. He felt like his limbs were in tar.

He didn't get that far, though, because he then felt as if someone came in, and bodyslammed him. He was winded, and felt as if there were several other bodies piling on top of him. Slamming in elbows, or knees, or anything that could do damage.

Gingerbrave let out a small shout of pain as these sensations continued, there was no face to the attackers yet. Even with struggling, the boy couldn't kick them off, punch them, wriggle free, or aim any sort of distractions.

'You see, Gingerbrave... when you first walked past my pedestal in the forest... I have attached myself to you. I can read your thoughts... your wishes. Your dreams, and likes, and dislikes.' the voice cooed in amusement. 'I know what you are afraid of. I know what you think about yourself that you don't let others hear. Because if they did, they would know that something is wrong, and you don't want that. You are too worried about THEM.' the voice hissed in laughter.

The brave cookie tried to wriggle, letting out a struggled cry as he got the sensation of someone or something biting into his arm, which made him drop his cane, due to reflexes.

"They don't need to know that about me! It isn't important! I am here to help THEM!" the child called out, only to let out another shout as he felt himself getting kicked in the side. "Argh!!"

The voice fell eerily silent, before he felt something leaning down next to him.

The same voice started to speak at him again- however, as soon as it did, several unseen limbs were starting to kick at his sides, and his face. All the child could do was curl into a ball, and cover himself in an attempt to minimalize the pain.

"-ave!" a voice broke through the hellish screams and moans, and voices that Gingerbrave had started hearing.

"Ginerbrave!" there was the voice again. "Wake up, wake up, wake up! Come on!" the new voice was desperate. It was probably Avocado again.

'Remeber this, Gingerbrave. You are only a child. You aren't anything. These kingdom dwellers here would abandon you in a heartbeat. You may be able to drive enemies back.. but you are still rather useless. Even in comparison to those younger than you.' the voice started again. The rotten voice that was telling him all these awful, cruel, dark things.

Gingerbrave felt himself get picked up by the neck, and the invisible force walked him backwards- holding the struggling child over the fire in the charred mindscape hell.

Gingerbrave grew frantic, trying to get away from it again.

'I only need to succeed once. You heroes have to succeed every single time. You don't know anything. You are nothing. No one can change that. Not even you. Now... I am afraid I have to cut this meeting short. Don't worry, though, Brave. We will be talking again... very... very soon.'

Gingerbrave felt hismelf fall into the fire he was just being dangled over- and with a scream, and the feeling of searing- Gingerbrave snapped back to reality, before bolting up and looking around himself... he... he... was in... the forest...?

Avocado, Vampire, and Custard were all there, looking at him in concern.

But how... how was he outside..?

((to Be continued))

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