|| Workshop ||

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Kokona has forgotten to make a prop for her upcoming play, and it's due today! Kokona and Saki will have to make it together! As you know teamwork makes the dream work.

Its the beginning of the day. Kokona and Saki both run to there lockers and put there stuff away quickly to get to talk.

Saki Stuffs papers into her locker as Kokona changes her shoes. Kokona looks over. "What are those papers for?"Kokona says in a questioned voice. "Math tutoring.." Saki sighs. "I was suppose to turn it in yesterday but forgot, so i have to turn it in at the end of the day and it isn't even finished!" Saki rolls her eyes. "Well i've gotten quite good at math lately..Mabye we could study in the library after school?" Saki looks up into Kokonas eyes. "R-Really? Your willing to help me?! Oh my goodness! Thank you!" Saki says in a relieved voice. "Of course! A-anything f-for you.." Kokona stands as she waiting's for Saki to finish putting her stuff away. Saki slimes the door, she huffs up a breath. "Do you need any help..?" Kokona asks. "I-I'm good." Saki catches her breath panting. "What time will we study at? I have Cooking Club right after cleaning time." "Mabye after baking? I know you only have to cook some food for the school council team." Kokona walks over to Saki and helps her stand up, "Sounds good-"

Saki and Kokona just stand there for a few seconds. They start to walk down the hallway, until Kokona snaps. "W-Wait!" Kokona shouts. "What?!" Saki jumps. "I-I forgot! I have to make a prop that's due today!" Kokona starts to panic. "You just now remembered?" Saki says. "Y-Yes.." Kokona swallows. "Then cmon! The workshops only upstairs! I'm sure Amai will be okay with me missing the morning activities!" Saki says joyfully trying to calm Kokona down. "Th-Thank you so much Saki!"

Kokona grabs Sakis hand and they both run upstairs down the hall.

Kokona is light headed. She plops down trying to breathe. Saki sits down next to her. After a few minutes of silence. Saki sits up, she takes a chair and pulls it to the workbench. Then she pulls another, she points to the seat and says. "Lady's first!" "But your a lady to! You sit down!" Kokona replys. "Alight! Fine!" Saki sits down in the chair waiting for Kokona to sit next to her. Kokona stands up and flattens her skirt. She then sits down in the chair next to Saki. "Soo, what are we making?" Saki says. "Uh- I'm not sure!" Kokona fidgets with her fingers. "Oh, What's the play about then?" "...It's a romance.." "Ooh! Really?" Saki reply's in a sweet tone. "Uh huh." Kokona jumps. "Wait! I have an idea!" "What is it?!" Saki shouts. "We could make a rose! The two main girls who end up kissing in the end, and in the script the first girl hands the second one a wooden rose.. It's wooden because it was the curse that the king of the town did on everything that consists of nature!"

Kokona gets really in depth with almost the whole play summed up into Kokonas very fast talking, Saki listens. About 20 minutes later of Kokona talking. Saki bops in.
"..Is there any open slots...?" Saki mumbles. "Huh?" Kokona says questioned. "..Nothing!" Saki shouts. "D-Do you agree on the rose idea?" "Yes! Yes I did! I love the idea! There's a wooden rose base by the wood saw over there. I saw it when we came in." "Really?!" Kokona jumps. "Yes!"

Saki pushes her chair back. She walks over to grab the rose off the table, she drops it. She bends over and picks it up and returns it to the workbench. "Here." Saki says sweetly. "Thank you dea-I mean Saki." Kokona blushes and looks away. Saki leans over and grabs a small bottle of red paint. She places it next to the rose. "A-Ah! Don't worry-"

Saki says blushing. Saki sits down. She looks over at Kokona. She leans over and picks up the rose that's falling out of Kokonas hair and straightens it back up. "There..It's better now." Saki smiles and then scoots the rose away. "Heheh.. Thanks.-" Kokona giggles. "But I think you should have it!" Saki gasps. "Really?! But I thought it was your-" Kokona cuts off Sakis sentence. "-Don't worry, I have plenty at home." Kokona stands up and leans over as she wraps one of Saki Blue strands of hair around the rose. Saki is red faced. "D-Did I ever tell you how much I loved your hair?" "R-Really?" "Yes." Kokona plops down. "Well i've always loved your hair, I know you said you wanted to cut it, But either way it looks amazing, the way it matches your eyes and how it makes you stand out from everyone else just gives me butterflies- I mean.." Kokona is sweating. She's visibly flustered by Sakis words. "I- C-Could you hand me the gre-green paint.."

A few minutes pass, Saki starts to paint the red on the rose, Kokona stays quiet.

Kokona POV

I am sweating.... Alot.. I sit and watch Saki as she paints the rose with her.. Beautiful... hands. Why am I like this, When did I like her.. Just the thought of her makes me feel so.. So.. I don't know. But whatever this feeling is, It's strong. It's not just these moments with her that make me feel this way...It's Everything.

I want her.. Just her.. Only Saki.

Not just sexually, not just romantically.. Just... Her.

Im completely spaced out. I didn't really hear anything at that moment. I hear the door creak. I jump back. But then a wave of relief hits me. It's just Aoi.

Out of Kokona POV

A few minutes pass Aoi checks around the workshop, then she leaves.

Saki starts to talk "U-Uh would you like to paint the stem? I'm going to fix my apron.. it's uncomfortable." Saki drops her paint brush and unties her apron. She then places it on the table besides the green paint. "Ok." Kokona replys, Not really knowing what she said. Saki glances over at Kokona. She scoots her chair over and starts to rub her back. "Sorry if i made this.... Awkward." Saki says in a soft tone. "Just don't talk. Relax for a moment."

Time passes. Saki and Kokona sit there. Saki continues to comfort Kokona. While the time ticks. The time is currently 8:23 Saki looks over to her watch. She gasps. "Kokona! Class is about to start! Cmon!" Kokona jumps up and shoves the stuff to the side. Saki struggles to tie her apron back. Kokona walks behind Saki and ties the apron. "Heh you did something to me now it's time for me to do something to you!" They both blush.

Writer note: This part is not done, In the table on contents look through to find. "||Workshop 2|| It will continue the story! Also I currently have a draft written on paper where Kokona has a Pov section and it goes along the same lines as the Kokona Pov in this chapter. If you find another Kokona Pov that goes along the same lines there you have the reason. I just needed to have something happen so I threw the Kokona thoughts into it without really knowing I had written almost the same thing.

Ps. I'm still revising this text, tell me what mistakes there are. Thank you.

"Your in my soft spot <3" ✩‧🌹🫐₊˚ Kokona x SakiTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon