chapter - 2 gaining her trust

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Hanako POV
Yashiro hasn't shown the whole day. I am wondering where did she go? Did she left and go to her house no she always comes to visit me after her classes. Did something happen to her? I was in my thoughts until I hear a voice. "Senpai! Are you here?!" Oh it's that boy again.

I haven't seen senpai since the whole day I also asked her friend what was her name again? Ah right! Aoi - chan she said he hasn't seen senpia also now I am starting to get worried I thought that maybe senpia would be in hanako's place so I ran there to find senpai. "Senpai! Are you here?!" But she was not there that was surprising she would probably be here after her classes?! "Oh hey there" "tch! What did you do to senpia!".

3rd person Pov
"I didn't do anything to Yashiro!" "Then where is she?" Koi asked being worried about Yashiro. "I also don't know she hasn't  came here the whole day" "what if someone has kidnapped senpai?!" "Wha- stop talking nonsen- wait now that I think of it you  might be right"
"We have to find her quick!"
"Wait! We don't know where is she and who took her we have to find who took her first and how powerful is that person" "yea I guess you are right" "I think we should team up together" "hah?! Team up with you?! Never in my life" "do you want to save yashiro or not? I might need you help" "tch! Fine but only for senpia!"

Meanwhile in tsukasa's boundary

Yashiro POV
'hm?' I woke up in an unknown place. Wait- yesterdays memories came back into my mind does this mean I am in tsukasa-kun's boundary or something?! And second of all who changed my clothes?! Was it tsukasa-kun? Wait no yashiro! He wouldn't something like that would he? And third of all why was I here?! What do they want form me?! A million thoughts came up in my until I heard the door open.
"Huh?" "Oh! You are awake!" Tsukasa-kun said  coming in the room floating.
"W-what am I doing here?!, Who changed my clothes?!who do you want from m-"
I couldn't speak because tsukasa-kun has put his finger on my mouth.

3rd person POV
"Shh~ clam down if you are going to ask questions repeatedly I won't be able to answer you know~" yashiro clam down a bit and tsukasa removed his finger from her mouth. "Hm~ first you are in my boundary second sakura changed you you didn't think I would change have you? You dirty diakon~" "eh?! No no I didn't i-" "hahaha you should see your face right now it's so red" "and why I brought you hear I cant tell you atleast not yet~" "um b-but hanako-kun would be worred I should probably go" yashiro was about to stand up but couldn't beacuse of the chains "huh?" "Eh~ you cant leave yet~ and as for amane he would be fine~" "u-um"
Yashiro cheeks were a little red because the way that tsukasa talk's is kinda flirty.
"Hm~" tsukasa came close to yashiro's face. Yashiro face become red like a tomato. Tsukasa licked yashiro cheeks. "Eh?! tsukasa-kun?!"
He backed away a little still not caring about the personal space. "Hm~ you do taste sweet~" Yashiro blushed so hard "ne~ Yashiro do you have a fever or something your face is so red~"he said finally giving her some personal space. "Um yea i am fine!" "Well then change your clothes and meet us outside!" "Okay?" Yashiro said with a bit of confusion. She changed her clothes and got out of the room as she closed the door she saw tsukasa standing there waiting for her. "Um tsukasa-kun?" "Ah! Yashiro you are done! Let's go down stairs" he start dragging her. "Ek! Tsukasa-kun I can walk!" Yashiro said while giggling 'maybe it's not that bad to be here' she thought.
"Ne~ sakura! She is awake!.
"Oh ohayō yashiro-san" sakura said calmly. "Ohayō sakura-senpai!" "Would you like some tea?" "Yes please!"
'sakura-senpai tea sure is delicious!'

After the tea party

Tsukasa Pov
I am now getting bored. I think should start with my little game but I have to gain her trust first. Hm~ now that I remember there is a going be a festival soon I should probably take her there girls like these kind of stuff right? But as for now I have know her better so I can gain her trust or else amane would probably find out that I have taken her. I should probably ask sakura.

Yashiro Pov
After the little tea party I was in my room on the bed thinking that how are hanako-kun and kou-kun?
I was brought here yesterday and it's been a day kou-kun must be very worried. Then I heard my door open "yashiro~ are you here?~".

3rd person Pov
"Tsukasa-kun?" "Ne~ yashiro do you want to go out somewhere?~" "eh? Go out somewhere?" "Yes! Since you have nothing to do and i also have nothing to do"
'he is right I am kinda bored' "ok! What do you wanna do?" Yashiro said "hm~well in my free time I would probably hunt some spirits down but since you have never killed one or fought one it would be useless to bring you there" tsukasa said smiling.
Yashiro pouted "I am not that weak you know" "haha yea right diakon~" tsukasa said teasingly "I am not a diakon!" Yashiro said.
"Yea but your legs say otherwise~" tsukasa said giggling "humph!" Yashiro pouted. "Ne~ yashiro what do you amane do when you both are together?" Tsukasa said normaly. "Hm~ well I usually clean the bathroom but sometimes me,hanako-kun, and kou-kun watch the Star's together,we sometimes go to park and something like that" yashiro said smiling happily remembering all the fun they had together.
"Hm" tsukasa didn't know why but he felt a bit irritated or jealousy but he shrugged it off. "Hm~ we'll have seen the wishing well?" Tsukasa asked Yashiro "eh? The wishing well I have heard of it isn't it the well where we throw a coin in the well and ask for a wish and it comes true?" She said "yep! It is! Do you want to see it!" "Yes! Please!"
Yashiro said excitedly.
"Ok! wait!" Tsukasa said grabbing yashiro arm.
"Eh? Nani?" Yashiro asked.
"You won't need those" tsukasa said removing the chains from Yashiro hand.
"Oh thank you tsukasa-kun!"
Yashiro said. "Well now that your hands are free let's go"
"Ok!" They got down stair
"Sakura we are going out for a while!" "Ok" sakura said calmly. "eekk! Let's go let's go!" Yashiro said grabbing tsukasa arm dragging him where the wishing well is.
"Woah! Yashiro slow down!" Tsukasa said laughing. "Hahaha" Yashiro laughed still dragging tsukasa.
'maybe it's not that bad to have her by my side' Tsukasa smiled.

Hello guys! Sorry for the late update I tried my hardest to made this chapter longer and I will add some tsunene fluff in the next chapter I am thinking on making a akanene story tell me in the comments should I make one? Hope you like this chapter - 2 ganing her trust.
Bye everyone have good day,night and evening.

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